
Peace and Disarmament

Reaching shared meaning for peace

Peace is a necessary condition for global realization of the right to health. Our paper, The Right to Life in Peace: An Essential Condition for Realizing the Right to Health published in June 2015 by the Health and Human Rights…

UN urges all States to sign, ratify Nuclear Test Ban as ‘critical step on road to nuclear-free world’

28 August 2015 – For the fifth International Day against Nuclear Tests, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has welcomed voluntary moratoria on testing imposed by nuclear-armed states but stressed that these cannot substitute for a legally-binding treaty. “The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban…

International day against nuclear tests

Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty should enter into force Today (29 August) is the International Day Against Nuclear Tests. The date of 29 August was chosen by the United Nations at the suggestion of the Government of Kazakhstan, as it was…

The Iran Nuclear Deal: Give Diplomacy A Chance

By Amy Goodman & Denis Moynihan A war with Iran would be a catastrophe, yet by opposing diplomacy, hundreds of members of Congress may be blundering into just such a conflict. The Iran nuclear deal, as the complex diplomatic arrangement…

ICAN NZ: Labour + Greens policy, + humanitarian pledge

From: iCAN Aotearoa New Zealand Greetings all, It’s been an interesting week here, and today we got a clear statement from the Labour and Green Party Disarmament Spokespersons that their parties – the two largest opposition parties here – now…

Ukraine factions to implement the Minsk Agreement on the 1st of September

The region of Ukraine disputed between forces in Kiev and those looking for independence has already suffered 18 months of death and destruction.  The city of Donetsk that previously had a population of 1.1 million today barely reaches 600,000.  Mostly…

South Sudan president signs peace deal with rebels

South Sudanese President Salva Kiir has signed a long-awaited peace deal with rebels to end 20 months of deadly civil war in the African country following international pressure and a threat of sanctions by the United Nations. The signing ceremony…

South Korea lowers combat readiness at border with North

South Korea has lowered the high level of war alert it had issued for its forces stationed at the border following recent reduction of dangerously-escalated tensions with the North. “The maximum alert order that had come down to the frontline…

South Sudan bishop calls for peace in Western Equatoria

As negotiations and the search for peace to end South Sudan’s civil war continues, CAFOD and Trocaire have joined Bishop Barani Eduardo Hiiboro Kussala of the Catholic Diocese of Tombura-Yambio in denouncing recent attacks and rise of insecurity in Western…

Karla Gongora on Face 2 Face

This week’s show starts with our friend, the singer and guitarist, Mark Lesseraux and continues with Karla Gongora to discuss the subject of transitional justice as part of the Colombian peace process.

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