
Peace and Disarmament

Nuclear disarmament humanitarian incantations

As the UN General Assembly debates continue, Reaching Critical Will produces a weekly publication, First Committee Monitor, which deals with the issues raised in the First Committee, responsible for disarmament issues.  Pressenza is publishing this week’s editorial article by Ray…

In Naples, national demonstration against Trident Juncture

A colourful and ironic demonstration marched through the streets of Naples, Italy to protest against NATO’s Trident Juncture military exercises. All photos by Darío Lo Scalzo for Pressenza.

Book excerpt: How 10 women disarmed a warplane bound for genocide in East Timor

By Andrea Needham for Waging Nonviolence In January 1996, I was one of 10 women who carried out a Ploughshares action in England, disarming a Hawk attack aircraft at a British Aerospace factory in Lancashire. The Hawk was about to…

US approach to nuclear disarmament: blame the victim

At some point between the NPT Review Conference in May and the general debate of First Committee, the United States decided to rebrand its preferred “step-by-step approach” to nuclear disarmament as the “full-spectrum approach”. Like before, it contrasts this approach…

Defying diplomatic efforts for nuclear disarmament, US schedules nuclear missile test

The United States Air Force has scheduled a launch of a Minuteman III Intercontinental Ballistic Missile for the early morning hours of October 21. This will be the fifth test of a Minuteman III ICBM in 2015. The target of…

Nuclear Deterrence: An ethical perspective – Catholic Church

  Nuclear Deterrence An Ethical Perspective A new publication from the Caritas in Veritate Foundation  The Caritas in Veritate Foundation is pleased to present our sixth working paper, wherein we explore the ethics of nuclear weapon possession and examine, in…

Veterans Call on U.S. public to say “No” to More War

President Obama’s decision to prolong the U.S. led war in Afghanistan only ensures U.S. responsibility for more death and destruction. Veterans For Peace condemns the decision and calls on the U.S. public to say no to more war. Today, President…

Why peace activists should stop cheering for Russian bombs in Syria

There’s a view of Syria, common even among peace activists in the United States, that holds that because the United States has been making everything worse in Syria and the entire Middle East for years, Russian bombs will make things…

UN General Assembly debates nuclear disarmament

The general debate of the UN General Assembly’s First Committee began last week and will continue until the end of this week. Many governments have already made strong calls for a treaty banning nuclear weapons. Below are some of the…

When Peace Activists Met With the U.S. Institute of Peace

When Peace Activists Met With the U.S. Institute of Peace By David Swanson I was part of a debate on Tuesday that involved a larger disagreement than any exhibited at the Democratic presidential candidates debate that evening. A group…

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