
Peace and Disarmament

Nuclear weapons: Never again!

Yesterday, in the Hall of the Former Presidents, in the National Assembly of Ecuador, a public forum took place with the title “Towards a Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty”.  It’s of great importance that such an event could take place because…

Confronting the monstrosity with the most fragile

Poetry against Arms is an initiative that pits poetics against the arms industry worlwide. Anybody can participate, in any language and from any country, to present in the most fit way the sure consequences of dealing in  the weapons business.…

‘Islamic Coalition against Terrorism’: Saudi Arabia Presents 34-State Military Block

Human Wrongs Watch 15 December 2015 (RT)* – A Riyadh-based “Islamic military alliance” has been formed with a mission to fight terrorism, Saudi Arabian state TV has announced. The coalition consists of 34 countries, including the Gulf States, a number…

1915-2015. How Einstein changed the way we understand the world 100 years ago

Clocks run faster the higher you go. This is called gravitational time dilation. Orbits precess in a way unexpected in Newton’s theory of gravity. (This has been observed in the orbit of Mercury and in binary pulsars). Rays of light…

Approval of a Resolution for an international treaty to ban nuclear weapons in pictures

On the 15th of December, during the 361st session of the Ecuador National Assembly, a Resolution was passed in favour of banning nuclear weapons, prepared in collaboration with the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons.  Tony Robinson, co-director of Pressenza…

Ecuador parliament approves a resolution to ban nuclear weapons

On the 15th of December 2015, the National Assembly of the Republic of Ecuador approved by a vote of 82 in favor, 1 against and 23 abstentions, a resolution that clearly underlines the urgency of driving forward an international treaty…

UNFOLD ZERO presents joint declaration to the UN for a Nuclear Weapon Free World

UNFOLD ZERO presents joint declaration to the UN UNFOLD ZERO presented a Joint Statement of Mayors, Parliamentarians and Religious Leaders for a Nuclear Weapon Free World to Mogens Lykketoft, the President of the UN General Assembly, as world leaders gathered…

British veterans cast down their medals at Downing Street

“We cannot sow bloodshed and reap peace. I no longer require these medals.” A small group of British military veterans throw off their medals outside Downing Street in protest at the bombing in Syria. Channel 4 News – video of…

US Vets call upon President Obama to ease off and rethink on Middle East

VFP Issues Press Release In Response to President Obama’s Speech This Week VFP is calling on the President to: Make diplomacy the number one priority with all interested parties and without pre-conditions. Stop the airstrikes because the Sunni leaders and…

No to War! Call for Peaceful Nonviolent Resistance to UK’s Air Strikes against Syria

By Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate* Human Wrongs Watch 7 December 2015 – TRANSCEND Media Service – On 2nd December, 2015 the United Kingdom Parliament voted to bomb Syria and the world watched as British planes, equipped with the latest…

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