
Peace and Disarmament

The deeper reason why Syria negotiations are doomed

Negotiations were supposed to start in Geneva today, January 25, 2016. The media is full of analyses of why it won’t happen and how virtually everybody disagrees with everybody else about who should be there and who should not.  All…

Political responsibility in the Nuclear Age

Open Letter: Political responsibility in the Nuclear Age            By Richard Falk, David Krieger and Robert Laney TFF PressInfo # 354 Lund, Sweden, January 22, 2016 
Introduction What follows here is An Open Letter to the…

Drop food not bombs on Syria

 How is it that at the click of a button bombs can be dropped anywhere in Syria yet when it comes to supplying food aid and medicines month after month of talks are needed.  Clearly it’s all a lying charade.…

Podcast: The new movement to ban nuclear weapons

Fifteen thousand, eight hundred nuclear weapons spread across 14 nations. One thousand, eight hundred ready to be launched within minutes of a warning. This is not the cold war, but the present reality – the daily existential threat with which…

Out of NATO? Thousands call for membership referendum in Montenegro, opposition says

An anti-NATO petition calling for a referendum on the country’s accession to the alliance has gathered “tens of thousands of signatures,” claim opposition leaders. The number obtained may already be enough to make the government conduct the ballot. After the…

Labour chief calls for UK role in nuclear de-escalation

Leader of UK Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn says Britain should not carry nukes on submarines and show its resolve for nuclear “de-escalation.” Corbyn told the state-run BBC on Sunday that the UK could keep its controversial Trident submarine fleet but…

North Korea says peace treaty, halt to military exercises, would end nuclear tests

North Korea Saturday called for the concluding of a peace treaty with the United States and a halt to U.S. military exercises jointly with South Korea to bring to an end its nuclear tests. This is not the first time…

Syria: UN officials give first-hand accounts of ‘horrible, terrible’ desperation in besieged towns

As United Nations officials gave on-site accounts of the “horrible and terrible” situation in the besieged Syrian town of Madaya, from 400 critically ill people facing death without immediate medical care to a kilo of rice costing $300, the first…

IAEA inspectors monitoring Iranian nuclear complex modification

A large number of International Atomic Energy Organization (IAEA) inspectors have arrived in Iran to monitor the modification of the Arak nuclear complex which will be completed within the next few days, an Iranian official says. Atomic Energy Organization of…

USA and North Korea infected with the same disease

At first sight it would seem that there couldn’t be two countries more different than the third-generation dictatorship of North Korea and the 200-year old democracy of the United States of America. Instead of accepting the strong propaganda of both…

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