
Peace and Disarmament

Kerry arrives in Oman for Yemen peace negotiations

John Kerry arrived in the Sultanate of Oman in the early hours of Monday morning to discuss the Yemeni crisis and efforts to reach a peaceful settlement of the conflict. The US Secretary of State is scheduled to meet with…

Un-Trump the World

A couple of dozen young people marched back and forth through downtown Charlottesville, Virginia, Saturday evening shouting “Love Not Hate!” and “No Human Being Is Illegal!” and “Black Lives Matter!” and similar anti-Trump inspired slogans. They didn’t hand out flyers…

Colombia, rebels agree on revised peace deal

Colombia’s government and the main rebel group in the country have agreed on a revised peace deal six weeks after people narrowly rejected an original agreement in a referendum. Bogota and the rebels of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia…

Armistice Day 98 Years On and the Need for a Peace to End All Wars

November 11 is Armistice Day / Remembrance Day. Ninety-eight years ago, on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, fighting ceased in the “war to end all wars.” People went on killing and dying…

A Good Time to Review Bush’s War Crimes

I’ll be speaking at the upcoming Iraq Tribunal about war lies of 2002-2003 vintage. I’m nostalgic for the days when presidents had to lie to Congress and the public and obtain some modicum of support before bombing a foreign country.…

Trump’s election provides opportunity to re-assess the fundamentals of Australia’s defence policies

IPAN – Independent and Peaceful Australia Network US President-elect, Donald Trump, has served notice of a US withdrawal from a “protective” military role for allies in South East Asia and the Pacific. He has urged these allies to take responsibility…

‘Soldiers go home’ – Italians protest American base on US Election Day

Protesters against a US military base in Italy used firecrackers, with police responding with tear gas. Demonstrators rallied on the day of the US presidential election saying no matter who wins, American soldiers should “go home.” Up to 200 people…

Turkey: “We are drifting towards a fascist dictatorship”

Interview with Erkin Erdogan, co-chair of HDK Berlin-Brandenburg, with the help of Peter Vlatten. This Monday several hundred people – men, women and children – protested once again in front of the Parliament in Berlin with the slogan “It’s enough”…

The United Nations votes to start negotiations to ban the bomb

One hundred and twenty-three nations voted to move forward with negotiations to prohibit nuclear weapons—just as the world has already done for biological and chemical weapons. In a historic vote on October 27 at the United Nations Committee for Disarmament,…

IPB to award Sean MacBride Peace Prize 2016 to Colin Archer

The Board of the International Peace Bureau is pleased to announce that the Sean MacBride Peace Prize will be awarded this year to our own Secretary-General Colin Archer, who since 1990 has served the organization with outstanding commitment and competence.…

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