
Peace and Disarmament

Nuclear ban treaty: Will governments take on the nuclear arms merchants?

An international prohibition on the financing of nuclear weapons could help reverse the nuclear arms race and be a powerful tool in delegitimizing nuclear weapons, according to nuclear disarmament campaigners participating in UN negotiations on a treaty to prohibit nuclear weapons.…

Marking the 50th anniversary of the Six-Day War with a call to end the occupation of Palestine

In this month of the commemoration of 50 years of Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories, Pax Christi International in collaboration with its members, urges the international community to call for the immediate end of the 50-year Israeli occupation and…

Sudan and Ethiopia on alert for Egyptian military strike

Sudanese and Ethiopian forces operating on the border between the two countries are in place to prepare for any offensive that Egypt might launch against Ethiopia’s Renaissance Dam on the River Nile, intelligence and security sources in Khartoum have revealed…

US Army lost track of $1 billion worth of arms and equipment in Iraq, Kuwait

US Army lost track of $1 billion worth of arms and equipment in Iraq, Kuwait  A newly released declassified audit from the US Department of Defense shows that negligent accounting by the military has resulted in the Pentagon not knowing…

We must be brave enough to admit the war on terror simply not working

by Jeremy Corbyn for Common Dreams Amid sorrow of Manchester bombing, UK Labour Party leader explains why actively building peace is requisite for ending such horrific and inexcusable carnage in the future Our whole nation has been united in shock…

Let the media coverage of Manchester victims be a model for all young victims of war

Donald Trump, the so-called leader of the free world, made his first foreign visit as president to an absolute monarchy, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, a petrostate legendary for its complete absence of democratic institutions and rampant violations of human…

Time to Ban the Bomb

This week, the Chair of an exciting UN initiative formally named the “United Nations Conference to Negotiate a Legally Binding Instrument to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons, Leading Towards their Total Elimination” released a draft treaty to ban and prohibit nuclear weapons…

Towards Peace by Pursuing Live and Let Live Policies

By Somar Wijayadasa* Foreign policies – an integral part of any national strategy – command the highest priority of all nations. Since World War II, several foreign policies of super powers did not yield expected results even though all policies…

Scientists welcome draft UN nuclear ban treaty

Scientists for Global Responsibility (SGR) warmly welcomes the publication yesterday of a draft UN treaty on the prohibition of nuclear weapons. This draft is the result of negotiations involving 132 nations, which addresses the legal gap which currently exists whereby…

The threat of nuclear accident has never been so great

Waiting for Portugal To guarantee “a prohibition on production, acquisition, use, transport and threat of nuclear weapons” through a legally binding legal instrument is more urgent than ever. Jean Marie Collin, expert in questions of nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament called…

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