
Peace and Disarmament

Hibakusha appeal at the United Nations for a strong treaty to ban nuclear weapons

Historic negotiations for “a legally binding instrument to prohibit nuclear weapons, leading towards their total elimination” are now taking place at the United Nations in New York. Civil society representatives from around the world are gathered there to urge all…

U.S. Conference of Mayors Opposes Military-Heavy Trump Budget

By David Swanson The U.S. Conference of Mayors on Monday unanimously passed three resolutions opposing the military-heavy Trump budget proposal, urging Congress to move funding out of the military and into human and environmental needs rather than the reverse. The…

At UN Press Briefing, Experts Explain Why A Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapons Is In the Works and What It Could Achieve

News Release At a UN media briefing this week for the United Nations Correspondents Association in New York, nuclear experts and presenters at a UN conference to negotiate a new nuclear ban treaty discussed the current, acute state of nuclear…

Women’s March to Ban the Bomb in New York

“It started raining as soon as people gathered, poured during the Women’s March to Ban the Bomb and the program outside the UN, then stopped raining, but only after it was all over! A good turnout for a rainy day,…

We’re off! to ban nuclear weapons

As talks to ban nuclear weapons through a legally binding treaty restart at the UN in New York, Reaching Critical Will brings us their valuable analysis and insight. It’s game on for round two of the nuclear ban negotiations! Delegations…

Reduction of military spending in DiEM25’s New Deal, a contribution from Pressenza

As journalists at the international press agency Pressenza and activists of the Humanist association “World without Wars and Violence”, we intend to make a contribution to the debate in DiEM25 and the development of an innovative and courageous platform for…

US-led coalition admits use of white phosphorus in Mosul amid mounting criticism

A New Zealand general has confirmed that the US-led coalition fighting in Mosul has used munitions loaded with white phosphorus. It comes amid mounting criticism over the use of the multipurpose weapon, which can be extremely dangerous to civilians. Over…

New Zealand nuclear-free law celebrated as UN negotiates a global ban!

By Abolition 2000. New Zealand celebrates the 30th anniversary of its historic nuclear free legislation this month with a series of events around the country. At the same time, the United Nations resumes negotiations amongst non-nuclear nations in New York…

When women get together peace is possible – Interview with Yael Deckelbaum

“Women of the World Unite” is the motto of Israeli-Canadian singer, songwriter and peace activist Yael Deckelbaum, uniting women and men all over the world in order to transcend all frontiers and to build together a future of Peace. She…

Humankind 2050 – Peace Development Environment

By Johan Galtung West of Jondal is Torsnes, named after the Nordic war god Thor with his Hammer, a center of the Viking era from 800 to 1050, only 250 years. Why so short? Successful with raids and colonization–Gardarike in…

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