
Peace and Disarmament

On the mainstream media coverage of nuclear war risks and nuclear abolition

By Jan Oberg You’re probably an avid consumer of news and reports in one or more daily media – local, national or global. You want to be well-informed and say interesting things when you meet friends and colleagues. And you…

Why War? Building On The Legacy of Einstein, Freud And Gandhi

In 1932, Sigmund Freud and Albert Einstein conducted a correspondence subsequently published under the title ‘Why War?’ See ‘Why War: Einstein and Freud’s Little-Known Correspondence on Violence, Peace, and Human Nature’. In many ways, this dialogue between two giants of…

The nuclear bomb is a weapon of crime and mass destruction

by Roland Oldham, Moruroa e Tatou, Tahiti The nuclear bomb is a weapon of crime and mass destruction. We should all be well aware of the examples of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, where the consequences still today have effects across generations.…

The militarisation of society: Education for war in Czech Schools

In the Czech Republic, since 2013 there has been a Ministry of Defence programme known as POKOS: “Preparing citizens to defend the state”[i]. The main interest is to publicise the activities of the Army in different way.  The Ministry’s website…

ELN-Colombia second cycle of talks closes with valuable achievements

The second cycle of peace talks between the National Liberation Army (ELN) and the Colombian government has ended today in the Ecuadorian capital, with significant achievements by both sides. In a press conference at the Foreign Ministry, Negotiating Chiefs Juan…

Towards adoption of a strong nuclear ban treaty on 7 July

by Tilman Ruff. On Monday 26 June, the UN conference to negotiate a treaty banning nuclear weapons undertook the first read-through of a revised draft treaty text prepared by the conference president, Costa Rican ambassador Elayne Whyte. Now two weeks…

The US attack on a mosque in Syria was ‘legal’, concludes an internal investigation. Really?

The United States has concluded its internal investigation into the bombing of the Omar Ibn Al-Khattab Mosque in Syria and declared that it was “legal”. According to the official version of events, “two dozen” Al-Qaeda fighters were killed with possibly…

Report on alleged April Idlib chemical attack based on questionable evidence – Russian OPCW rep

The latest OPCW report on the April Idlib chemical incident lacks sufficient evidence and is based on data provided mostly by only one side of the Syrian conflict without necessary verification, the Russian OPCW representative, Aleksandr Shulgin, told RT. “The…

UN hopes for success as Cyprus talks enter a new phase

As the delegations prepared to reconvene the Conference on Cyprus on June 28 in Switzerland, the United Nations envoy Espen Barth Eide said the reconvening of the deliberations was “not the last chance” but the “the best chance” of reaching…

Washington’s new threat against Syria, Russia and Iran: Invitation to false flag operation

By Farhang Jahanpour On Monday 26th June, the White House released a statement saying that the United States had “identified potential preparations for another chemical attack by the Assad regime…” It went on to say: “If, however, Mr. Assad conducts…

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