
Peace and Disarmament

A week of blockades and protests begin in East London to stop the set-up of the DSEI arms fair

Andrew Smith of Campaign Against Arms Trade said: “Thousands of activists and campaigners from across the UK will be outside the Excel Centre this week. We will be united by our opposition to one of the biggest arms fairs in…

Peace-Development-Environment: Integrated?

By Johan Galtung, These are the goals of the United Nations; the Hardanger Academy in little Jondal, Norway (population ca.1150) made them three foci. The problem arose: what do they have in common? Are they three aspects of the same…

Jimmy Carter and the US-North Korean Treaty Halting North Korea’s Development of Nuclear Weapons

By William James Martin, Very little, almost nothing has been mentioned in the press or on TV about Jimmy Carter and his negotiation resulting in an agreement by the North Koreans, in 1994, to halt its nuclear weapons program and…

Urgent Need for Independent International Inquiry on Yemen

Joint NGO letter to Permanent Representatives of Member and Observer States of the United Nations Human Rights Council Excellency, We, the undersigned nongovernmental organizations, urge you to support the creation of an independent international investigation into violations and abuses of international human…

Global nuclear weapons: Modernization remains the priority

The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) today launches its annual nuclear forces data, which highlights the current trends and developments in world nuclear arsenals. The data shows that while the overall number of nuclear weapons in the world continues…

The FARC arrives at Congress to become a political party

By ¡PACIFISTA! 25 August 2017 in association with DemocraciaAbierta-openDemocracy This Sunday, more than a thousand delegates of the Farc will gather in Bogotá to discuss its future, including the new political party’s name and what it will stand for. “Excited…

The Endless War in Afghanistan Just Got Longer

We have two presidents in the United States: The “real Donald Trump” and “teleprompter Trump.” Real Trump speaks, and tweets, his mind. Teleprompter Trump reads speeches prepared for him, delivered in a strained manner that has been likened to a…

As Syria war tightens, US and Russia military hotlines humming

Even as tensions between the United States and Russia fester, there is one surprising place where their military-to-military contacts are quietly weathering the storm: Syria. It has been four months since US President Donald Trump ordered cruise missile strikes against…

The Peace Monument the United States Needs

Washington, D.C., needs a three-dimensional, sculptural Guernica dedicated to and with explanatory information about the victims of U.S. bombings in over 30 countries that the United States has bombed. And it needs such a monument to the victims of wars…

Jeremy Corbyn condems Trump’s plan to escalate war in Afghanistan

President Trump has announced plans to escalate the U.S. war in Afghanistan, sending about 4,000 more troops. The U.S. is already intensifying its air war: during the month of June the U.S. carried out 389 airstrikes in Afghanistan, the highest…

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