
Peace and Disarmament

Is the Nobel Committee Finally Abiding by Nobel’s Will?

By David Swanson The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded Friday to the International Campaign for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) — listen to my radio show with one of ICAN’s leaders two years ago here. It’s conceivable that some Americans…

Jeremy Corbyn congratulates ICAN for winning the Nobel Peace Prize

Congratulations to the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) on its well-deserved award of the Nobel Peace Prize. I’m proud to have worked with ICAN for the goal of a nuclear free world for many years and the Nobel…

Nobel’s Peace Prize to ICAN: Thank you to the Nobel Committee!

Jan Oberg Our thanks to the Nobel Peace Prize Committee for awarding its 2017 Prize to ICAN – the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons. Undoubtedly nuclear disarmament and, ultimately, nuclear abolition is a major – if not the major – goal of humankind.…

Statement by ICAN on being awarded the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize

It is a great honour to have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for 2017 in recognition of our role in achieving the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. This historic agreement, adopted on 7 July with the backing…

The Nobel Peace Prize for 2017

Pressenza is delighted to republish the press statement from the Nobel Prize Committee confirming the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons has won the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize.  As a partner organisation, we are stunned and overjoyed that the hard…

What’s North Korea Afraid of?

By David Swanson “Peace” clubs in U.S. schools are likely to teach that a local bully is afraid and in need of help. They are much less likely to teach that about entities involved in the actual subject of peace…

“Intelligent” weapons: The need to outlaw a lethal oxymoron

Within the framework of the “Dialogues for a Citizen Internet”, a series of conferences that discussed the current monopoly orientation of the Internet, Javier Tolcachier, a researcher at the Centre for Humanist Studies, developed the subject of “cyber weapons”.  The…

A Nato attack on Nuclear Disarmament

From the Art of War by Manlio Dinucci, VOLTAIRE NETWORK | BRUSSELS (BELGIUM) | 26 SEPTEMBER 2017 Not a single nuclear power has agreed to sign the new Treaty banning nuclear weapons. We all appreciate that unilateral disarmament would be a genuine concern…

Dennis Kucinich Speaks at UN for Nuclear Weapons Ban

By Dennis J. Kucinich, on Behalf of the Basel Peace Office Remarks to the United Nations General Assembly, High Level Meeting on Nuclear Disarmament, Tuesday, September 26, 2017 Your Excellency, President of the General Assembly, Distinguished Ministers, Delegates and Colleagues:…

Celebrating a milestone: Russia completes the destruction of chemical weapons stockpile

Dr John Hart for SIPRI. On Wednesday the Director-General of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), Ambassador Ahmet Üzümcü of Turkey, congratulated Russia on completing the destruction of its chemical weapons stockpile which originally totalled 39 967…

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