
Peace and Disarmament

Why Spain could and should Ban the Bomb

This week ICAN Executive Director Beatrice Fihn visits Spain to promote the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, with meetings planned with Spanish members of parliament at a national and regional level who have signed the Parliamentary Pledge in…

Donald Trump’s space force: the dangerous militarisation of outer space

Gbenga Oduntan, University of Kent for The Conversation In a recent speech, President Donald Trump announced a new policy for the American space programme. It is time, he argued, for America to create a “Space Force”. As ever, the policy…

Political figures support Beatrice Fihn of ICAN – Nobel Peace Prize 2017

Dozens of elected officials from various political groups have signed a document in support of ICAN’s campaign to promote the entry into force of the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. The executive director of ICAN, Beatrice Fihn,…

ICAN Italy coordination body established

In a meeting held at the International Women’s House, Rome at the invitation of WILPF Italy, the ICAN Italy coordination body was established with the text below. The coordination body has been equipped with an e-mail list and is setting…

Afghan Peace Activists Finish 435-Mile March to Kabul, Demand Extension of Ceasefire

In Afghanistan, dozens of activists have arrived in the capital Kabul after a 435-mile march to demand peace. The march began with a dozen youth activists on May 12 and swelled to over 70 men by the end of the…

The Kings Bay Plowshares 7

Reprinted with permission from The Catholic Worker, Mary House, NYC for the July 2018 issue. By Amanda Daloisio On April 4th, 2018, seven activists entered the Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base in St. Mary’s, Georgia. Their destination included the Strategic…

Colombia struggles to build trust in the state as peace process rumbles on

 Gwen Burnyeat, UCL for The Conversation In the Colombian peace plebiscite of 2016, 50.2% of voters rejected the Havana Accords signed between the government and the FARC guerrilla movement. This they did after a sensationalist No campaign exploited a lack…

What Else Canadians Should Be Sorry For — Besides Burning the White House

By David Swanson, Six-years after the British landing at Jamestown, with the settlers struggling to survive and hardly managing to get their own local genocide underway, these new Virginians hired mercenaries to attack Acadia and (fail to) drive the French…

Kim-Trump Summit: Hardcore War Mongers Aren’t Happy

By Farooque Chowdhury The hardcore warmongers aren’t happy with the just completed Kim-Trump Singapore summit. The warmongers love warmongering and war as these increase their amount and rate of profit. Reactions to the latest diplomatic development in the Korea region…

Sweden’s Military Madness

The government of Sweden has reinstated the military draft and sent a war propaganda brochure to all Swedes promoting fear, Russophobia, and warlike thinking. While my last name comes from Sweden, I’m writing this in the United States and will no doubt…

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