
Peace and Disarmament

The nuclear ban is urgent, many fuses are waiting to be lit

Without trying to spoil ICAN’s Nobel Peace Prize party we should remember the growing threats to the non-proliferation regime and the dangerous accumulation of new risks of a nuclear conflict with unimaginable consequences: because after the approval of the Treaty…

IPB Seán MacBride Peace Prize ceremonies

Every year the IPB awards the Seán MacBride Peace Prize to a person or organization that has done outstanding work for peace, disarmament and human rights. These were the principal concerns of Sean MacBride, the distinguished Irish statesman who was…

ICAN in Oslo

Last weekend, ICAN were in Oslo to collect their Nobel Peace Prize.  Ralf Schlesener took photos for Pressenza and ICAN at events and behind the scenes at the various activities that took place.  We present a selection of his work…

Spanish armed forces to carry out military exercises in Catalonia

Spanish armed forces will carry out military exercises in the coming days with the aim of coordinating efforts in front of a hypothetical attack on Catalonia. According to an article in the Spanish daily, ABC, on Wednesday, around 650 servicemen…

When a Nuclear War Planner Confesses

By David Swanson Daniel Ellsberg’s new book is The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner. I’ve known the author for years, I’m prouder than ever to say. We have done speaking events and media interviews together. We’ve been…

Korean crisis: “The U.S. never sees its own violations as wrong”

Americans are instructed that North Korea is an aggressor that violates international agreements and doesn’t negotiate. Until North Korea denuclearizes, we are told, the U.S. must continue rejecting its peace proposals. After all, North Korea withdrew in 2003 from the…

Global arms industry: First rise in arms sales since 2010

We reproduce here the latest press release from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI).  Sales of arms and military services by the world’s largest arms-producing and military services companies—the SIPRI Top 100—totalled $374.8 billion in 2016, according to new…

Jeremy Corbyn and Noam Chomsky win peace prize amid media silence

UK Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has been awarded the Sean MacBride Peace Prize along with Noam Chomsky and Japanese anti-military base activists, yet the award received scant coverage in the British media. The International Peace Bureau presents the Sean MacBride…

Nobel lecture: Nuclear weapons signify not a country’s elevation to greatness, but its descent to the darkest depths of depravity

Today, Sunday, 10th of December, 2017, ICAN received the Nobel Peace Prize for their work in securing a treaty on the prohibition of nuclear weapons.  Setsuko Thurlow, survivor of the Hiroshima bomb on the 6th of August 1945 gave half…

Nobel Lecture: We must reclaim the freedom to not live our lives as hostages to imminent annihilation

Today, Sunday, 10th of December, 2017, ICAN received the Nobel Peace Prize for their work in securing a treaty on the prohibition of nuclear weapons.  Beatrice Fihn, executive director of the network gave half of the Nobel Lecture. Your Majesties,…

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