
Peace and Disarmament

Can Russia invade Europe?

By Jan Oberg Oh yes! It can and it is ready to. And perhaps it even will. To tell you the truth, although NATO is the strongest, it could well fall apart thanks to Russia’s – Putin’s – cunning schemes.…

The NRA’s Circular Firing Squad

By Danny Katch A civil war within the National Rifle Association has allowed us a look inside the supposedly all-powerful gun lobby. And it’s given us some good news: the NRA’s power has been wildly exaggerated. It can be defeated.…

​In France’s National Assembly: a Referendum Bill for abolishing nuclear and radioactive weapons

​On 5 June 2019, a bill for a “shared-initiative” referendum was presented at the National Assembly in Paris. Its aim is for French citizens to have a say on France’s participation in the abolition of nuclear and radioactive weapons. The…

Veterans Call for Peace

By Jhon Sánchez and Tim Kennedy On May 26, at Battery Park, in observance of Memorial Day, Veterans For Peace – NYC Chapter 034 organized a rally. Pressenza walked along with protestors and at the end we heard various family…

The “Stop Trump” demo in London

Demonstrators in different UK cities wanted to express their rejection to the racism, misogyny, warmongering and blatant disrespect for the truth that Trump represents. Here is what those demonstrating in London had to say. Images from Stop Trump Facebook

A Call to Invest in Peace Rally at the BLACKROCK shareholders’ meeting

By Jhon Sánchez and Tim Kennedy May 23, at 7:30 am, a hundred protesters gathered in the rain to call out BLACKROCK investors and encourage divestment in the war machine. According to Code Pink, BLACKROCK is the top investor in…

Veterans For Peace Commemorate Memorial Day in NYC

Sunday, May 26th, 2019 | Annual VFP Chapter 34 Memorial Day Observance in Battery Park, in front of the East Coast Memorial on the waterfront, near the Statue of Liberty Ferry. Speech given by Susan Schnall Good afternoon. My name…

‘It Is Not a Forum for Coup-Mongering,…

… Venezuelan Official Says After US Walks Out of Arms Control Conference “We regret that the representative of the United States and its docile allies continue to bring to this forum matters that are outside the mandate.” by Jake Johnson, staff writer…

U.S. Army: 0 — Internet: 1

By David Swanson The U.S. Army tweeted a harmless rah-rah tweet and got hit with a burst of reality never encountered on corporate-controlled media. Score one for the internet. The Army asked: “How has serving impacted you?” Here’s a tiny sample of…

American Militarism Destroying the Future of Humanity

“The culture of peace is universal. It is shared by people and nations Worldwide. Today’s “culture of war” is a US hegemonic project predicated on the creation of conflict and divisions within and between countries. It is this (unilateral) project…

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