
Peace and Disarmament

Military Bill Amended for the Better: This Pig Has Really, Really Good Lipstick

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War The latest U.S. House of Representatives version of the National Defense Authorization Act, which is beyond global in scope and not the least bit defensive, offended Donald Trump’s desire for limitless power and spending…

[Germany] No to War and Military Bases – first thoughts afterwards

For many it was the threat of a war with Iran and the stationing of new nuclear weapons that led thousands of people to the streets to protest against the US Air Base in Ramstein on June 29th2019. The more…

Stop Killer Robots before it is Too Late!

On June 6, 2019 a kick-off meeting was held at CEU in Budapest organized by CELAB and activists of the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots – Hungary, to raise awareness on Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems (LAWS) or killer robots. Machines…

An Iranian and an Israeli talking about nuclear weapons

This unremarkable title for an evening event last Wednesday at the cultural centre did, in fact, draw attention. Discussion events are not necessarily a big crowd-puller nowadays and most people prefer to look away rather than listen when it…

Milan, Italian premiere of the documentary “The Beginning of the End of Nuclear Weapons”

On Tuesday, July 9, the emotional Italian premiere of the documentary “The Beginning of the End of Nuclear Weapons” took place in Milan, in the Lazzati room of the Ambrosianeum Foundation. Sitting around a large oval table, activists and representatives…

Join the CIA: Travel the World Passing Out Nuclear Blueprints

By David Swanson In the year 2000, the CIA gave Iran (slightly and obviously flawed) blueprints for a key component of a nuclear weapon. In 2006 James Risen wrote about this “operation” in his book State of War. In 2015, the…

The Obama Wars

By David Swanson By “the Obama wars” I don’t mean some overgrown infants on television screaming racist insults or pretending that opposing racism requires cheering for Obama. I mean: the widespread indiscriminate murder of human beings with missiles — many…

The African continent prepares for the Second World March for Peace and Nonviolence

After leaving Madrid on October 2, 2019, the march will continue towards southern Spain until reaching the African continent through northern Morocco on October 8. Several countries are already preparing to receive the core team that will showcase their initiatives……

Calling on All US Presidential Candidates to Make Known Their Positions on Nuclear Weapons

US Conference of Mayors Calls on All Presidential Candidates to Make Known Their Positions on Nuclear Weapons and to Pledge U.S. Global Leadership in Preventing Nuclear War, Returning to Diplomacy, and Negotiating the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons Honolulu, HI –…

Demonstration against Ramstein Air Base creates more and more awareness

Under an oppressive heat, 5000 participants demonstrated in front of the Ramstein Air Base to rebel against the illegal drone war and the US war and their German support from this centre of US war policy. “The airbase is the…

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