
Peace and Disarmament

Re-evaluating Kashmir in Rishi Kashyap’s land

By Nava Thakuria Suddenly narratives over Kashmir have changed for both India (Hindustan/ Bharat) and Pakistan where New Delhi extended its horizon up to Pakistan occupied Kashmir (known as Ajad Kashmir) and Islamabad aggressively insisted on its domination over the…

Plowshares’ Motions Denied, Trial Set for October 21

Yesterday, 509 days after their arrest, a federal judge denied all the pre-trial motions by the our friends. Today, the judge set their trial date: Monday, October 21, 2019 with jury selection beginning at 9 a.m. The Plowshares had urged…

The 2nd World March for Peace and Nonviolence in Slovenia, for an international Gulf of Peace, free from nuclear weapons

The 2nd edition of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence will start on October 2 this year. As in the first edition, the March will pass through the Alpe Adria region and will arrive in Trieste on 26 February…

Pressenza film wins award in Accolade Global Film Competition

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE. The documentary film “The Beginning of the End of Nuclear Weapons” directed by Álvaro Orús from Spain and produced by Tony Robinson from the UK for Pressenza has won a prestigious Award of Merit from The Accolade…

Russia, United States attempt to legitimize killer robots

Russia and the United States are continuing their losing fight against the inevitable treaty that’s coming for killer robots. Most states participating in the diplomatic talks on lethal autonomous weapons systems have expressed their strong desire to negotiate a new…

Letter from Nagasaki to All National Governments

Special Resolution: 2019 World Conference against A and H Bombs – Nagasaki Assembled in Nagasaki, the second A-bombed city following Hiroshima, we call on all national governments in the world to take action, by abolishing nuclear weapons at the earliest…

IPPNW warns of dire consequences of military escalation in Kashmir

International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) is calling on the Indian government to restore immediately all communications and freedom of movement in Kashmir and Jammu, and urging all states in the disputed border regions to initiate new…

IPB Youth Network Conference Transform! Towards a Culture of Peace

20-22 September 2019, International Peace Bureau Organizers IPB Youth Network, IPB in partnership with ITUC and ITUC Youth With the support of DFG-VK, International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility (INES), Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, Hans-Böckler–Stiftung (tbc) Location Technical…

Portuguese premiere for “The Beginning of the End of Nuclear Weapons”

On the 9th of August, precisely 74 years after the nuclear catastrophe in Nagasaki, the documentary “The beginning of the end of nuclear weapons” was shown in Porto, Portugal a city twinned with Nagasaki since 1978. The documentary was produced…

Anti-Nuclear Protest in Observance of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki Atomic Bomb

Photos by Ellen Davidson Interview By Jhon Sánchez Last Monday, August 5th, in front of the General Consulate of Japan in New York, a group of protesters gathered on occasion of the 74th anniversary of the atomic bomb that killed…

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