
Peace and Disarmament

Kyushu Financial Group (KFG) avoids inhumane weapons

By Susi Snyder for the Don’t Bank on the Bomb Campaign. On July 10th, Kyushu Financial Group (KFG) released its new corporate policy paper, which includes prohibitions of investment or loans for companies that develop and/or produce inhumane weapons such…

The IPB Seán MacBride Peace Award 2019 goes to Elayne Whyte Gómez and Bruce Kent

Every year the International Peace Bureau (Nobel Peace Laureate 1910) awards a special prize to a person or organisation that has done outstanding work for peace, disarmament and/or human rights. These were the principal concerns of Sean MacBride, the distinguished…

Stop the arms fair: Borders and Migration day of action

Sunday September 8 2019 from 11,30 am to 8pm EXCeL London –  One Western Gateway, Royal Victoria Dock, E16 1XL Organized by Campaign Against Arms Trade, Stop The Arms Fair and Lesbians and Gays Support the Migrants The Defence and…

‘Endemic Impunity’: UN Report on Yemen Says United States, France, and Britain May Be Complicit in War Crimes

“Five years into the conflict, violations against Yemeni civilians continue unabated, with total disregard for the plight of the people and a lack of international action to hold parties to the conflict accountable.” By Jake Johnson, staff writer Common Dreams…

Fighting for Germany

Recently a party represented in the German parliament (Bundestag) published its program for the military. The program is not secret. The voters going to the polls in 2 German states on September 1 could know this program. Up to 28…

There is no way to win a nuclear war without eliminating civilization,” according to Tony Robinson.

“There is no way to win an atomic war without eliminating human civilization as we know it today,” Tony Robinson, producer and coordinator of the documentary The Beginning of the End of Nuclear Weapons, told Sputnik on August 29, International…

Face 2 Face with Alice Slater

On this show we speak with Alice Slater about the historical process of nuclear weapon treaties and the relationship between the US and Russia. Alice is the UN NGO Representative of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, sits on the boards…

2nd Walk for the Culture of Peace in Cotia, receives support from the World March for Peace and Nonviolence.

On Sunday 09/18/2019, people from the city of Cotia and neighboring municipalities attended the program of the 2nd edition of the Walk for a Culture of Peace, which took place on Sunday (18), in Cotia. The event had the participation…

Colombia: a new blow to the Havana Accords

Through a video, apparently filmed in the area of Puerto Inírida, in the Colombian jungle, Iván Márquez, Jesús Santrich and El Paisa, the three former FARC combatants whose whereabouts were unknown and who did not keep their appointment to testify…

Kazakhstan, the newest state party to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

On 29 August, the International Day against Nuclear Tests, Kazakhstan deposited its instrument of ratification of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, becoming the 26th signatory state to do so. The Treaty will enter into force at the…

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