
Peace and Disarmament

An Unexpected Chance for the Success of Postponed NPT Review Conference

Viewpoint by Sergio Duarte The writer is Former UN High Representative for Disarmament Affairs and current President of Pugwash. NEW YORK (IDN) – It took patience from the President-designate of the 2020 NPT Review Conference, a sober assessment of the…

The Economic Benefits of a Global Ceasefire

There doesn’t seem to be any dispute with the findings of various studies, that investing public dollars in most other things (education, green energy, infrastructure, healthcare, etc.), or not taxing the money from working people in the first place, produces…

Canadian government breaking a UN commitment by lifting a moratorium for military exports to Saudi Arabia?

In March, in the mist of COVID-19 global pandemic, the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called countries to reach a global agreement for a ceasefire. More than 53 countries including Canada adopted the UN Secretary-General’s statement. According to UN Secretary General…

UN chief calls on religious leaders to unite in the fight against COVID-19

Religious leaders of all faiths are being urged by the UN Secretary-General to join forces and work for peace around the world and focus on the common battle to defeat COVID-19. António Gutteres made the call in a special appeal issued…

Love in a Dangerous Time

By Mike Ferner – counterpunch A profusion of anonymous axioms and memes floods social media these days but one remains my very favorite: “It’s like we’ve all been sent to our room to think about what we did.” My friends,…

Colombia’s Government Acts Like a Doormat for the United States—and Its People Aren’t Going Along With It

By Vijay Prashad, Paola Estrada, Ana Maldonado, and Zoe PC Last year, on November 21, the Colombian people took to the streets in massive numbers to reject the policies of the government led by President Iván Duque. In particular, the…

UN Ceasefire Defines War As a Non-Essential Activity

By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J S Davies At least 70 countries have signed on to the March 23 call by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres for a worldwide ceasefire during the Covid-19 pandemic. Like non-essential business and spectator sports,…

Exit Global Wars, Enter Coronavirus

by Achala Moulik  For now, political and ideological differences are being sunk to outwit a common enemy. Will it last? The war against Coronavirus, paradoxically, has made friends out of foes while waging war on the now common and powerful…

The U.S. Should Fight COVID, Not Venezuela

By Leonardo Flores On April 1, the Trump administration hijacked a COVID-19 press conference to announce the deployment of U.S. Navy vessels and other military assets towards Venezuela. According to Defense Secretary Mark Esper, “included in this force package are…

Gorbachev: Time to Revise the Entire Global Agenda

Q: How did you take the news of the pandemic? A: I think I took it the way most people did. Initially, there was hope that it could be controlled, localized. But things took a very different turn and the…

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