
Peace and Disarmament

When a Weapons Show Is Canceled By Coronavirus

Imagine a weapons show canceled because of coronavirus. It may already have happened. It’s certainly imaginable. But now try to imagine a coronavirus show canceled by a bomb threat. Can you picture a fossil fuel lobbyists’ retreat canceled by coronavirus?…

Nipponzan Myohoji: Peace Pagoda Inauguration in South India

Palms together in Peace: It would be our great pleasure to hold a ceremony of peace and host many of Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Muslims, adherents of other religions, and peace activists as guests. – Rev. Masao Ishitani Sensei, Veeriruppu Village,…

Hope for ‘long-elusive progress’ in negotiating peace in eastern Ukraine

Marking the fifth anniversary of the 2015 Minsk II agreement, the UN political chief told the Security Council on Tuesday, that along with the Minsk Protocol and the Minsk memorandum, it remains “the only agreed framework” for a negotiated, peaceful settlement of the conflict…

“My Father Knew what he was doing!”

Interview with the Daughter of Vasili Arkhipov During the Cuban Missile Crisis 58 years ago the world was facing nuclear war. In reaction to the bombardment of the U.S. Navy, two of the three officers in command of the Soviet “B-59” nuclear…

Spain and the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons: event in the Spanish Congress

As a result of the visit to Spain by Setsuko Thurlow, survivor of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, an event took place in the Spanish Congress of Deptuties on the 26th of February to talk about Spain’s position regarding the…

Afghan Women Must Be Included at the Negotiating Table

Afghan women should have been at the table for the U.S.-Taliban talks, but they were not. History has shown that women stand to lose the most from deals made behind closed doors with rooms full of men. Add your name…

Yet Another Mass Shooter Was a Military Veteran

Thursday yet another mass shooting was committed by a military veteran, this one in Milwaukee. Virtually all military veterans are not mass shooters. Many peace activists are veterans. Many everything under the sun are veterans. But mass shooters are very disproportionately…

Washington prepares Europe for war

By Lukas Ramonas for The Baltic Word. As you know, large-scale NATO maneuvers Defender-Europe 20 will soon begin. Nearly 40 thousand troops will take part in the exercise. The exercise will be held in 10 European countries, including Latvia, Lithuania,…

Afghan troops say Taliban are brothers and war is “not really our fight.”

By Nicolas J S Davies The world is waiting anxiously to see whether the U.S. and Afghan governments and the Taliban will agree to a one-week truce that could set the stage for a “permanent and comprehensive” ceasefire and a withdrawal of…

Shut Down Canada Until it Solves its War, Oil, and Genocide Problem

Indigenous people in Canada are giving the world a demonstration of the power of nonviolent action. The justness of their cause — defending the land from those who would destroy it for short term profit and the elimination of a…

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