
Peace and Disarmament

10 Key Points on Ending Wars

1. Victories that are only partial are not fictional. When a ruler, like Biden, finally announces the end of a war, like the war on Yemen, it is as important to recognize what it does mean as what it doesn’t.…

Face 2 Face with Camillo Mac Bica

LIVE SHOW: Wednesday, March 17th at 3:30 PM EST On this show we are speaking with  Camillo Mac Bica, author and professor of philosophy at the School of Visual Arts in New York City, a long-time activist for peace and justice,…

Silently Disciplining Research

By Reseach Professor Emeritus at Prio, Ola Tunander, Modern Times, Ny Tid, Whistleblower supplement, March 6, 2021 Researchers who question the legitimacy of US wars, seem to experience being ousted from their positions in research and media institutions. The example presented here…

Nuclear weapon facilities to expand in New Mexico

LANL leases second office complex in Santa Fe as nuclear weapons growth pushes admin staff off “The Hill” 2,000 more staff needed for “24/7” plutonium “pit” production mission for only 20 pits/year Today Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) has announced…

Trump & Biden’s Secret Bombing Wars

By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies On February 25th, President Biden ordered U.S. air forces to drop seven 500-pound bombs on Iraqi forces in Syria, reportedly killing 22 people. The U.S. airstrike has predictably failed to halt rocket…

UN Youth4Disarmament Recognized by ‘Billion Acts of Peace’

By Devinder Kumar Disarmament is at the heart of the collective security system set out in the United Nations Charter, with its goal to “save succeeding generations from the scourge of war”. In commemoration of the United Nation’s 75th anniversaries…

Living the spirit of harmony and solidarity amidst Co-vid 19 in a wounded world

Uniharmony Partners Manila (UPM) 2021 World Interfaith Harmony Week Webinar Celebration By Genevieve Balance Kupang This year’s celebration of the UN World Interfaith Harmony Week (WIHW) among Uniharmony Partners Manila (UPM), is exceptional given the context of the pandemic and…

Biden: Stop Bombing Syria!

Condemn the Biden administration’s bombing of Syria and tell Biden to immediately de-escalate. We need peace in the Middle East! Dear President Biden, We vigorously oppose your February 25 bombing of Syria. Syria is a sovereign nation. The militia you…

Face 2 Face with Brian Ferguson

LIVE SHOW: Sunday, February 28th at 1 PM EST On this show we are speaking with Brian Ferguson, Professor of Sociology and Anthropology at Rutgers University Newark. Brian Ferguson’s research on the origins of war, going back to the beginning…

Nuclear weapons, the leaders of the Catholic church: the governments must sign and ratify the Treaty

The call for a stop to nuclear weapons comes from the leaders of the Catholic Church worldwide. After the clear message from Pope Francis, it is now the Episcopal Authority that is taking action. Among them, Pierbattista Pizzaballa, the Latin…

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