
Peace and Disarmament

Losing paradise

Atomic racism decimated Kiribati and the Marshall Islands; now climate change is sinking them This is an extract from the Don’t Bank on the Bomb Scotland report “Nuclear Weapons, the Climate and Our Environment”. Kiribati In 1954, the government of…

Lithium and the Putsch

Berlin is again seeking access to the world’s largest lithium deposits located in Bolivia – after having supported the putschists. Following the presidential elections in Bolivia, the German government and business circles hope to have direct access to what are…

Interview with the founders of the Middle East Treaty Organization

The Middle East Treaty Organization (METO), according to its shiny new website, has a vision of a peaceful, integrated and thriving Middle East built on human and environmental security and a mission to eradicate WMDs, broker peace and build security…

Armistice Day Is Coming

November 11, 2020, is Armistice Day 103 — which is 102 years since World War I was ended at a scheduled moment (11 o’clock on the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918 — killing an extra 11,000 people…

Dear “President-elect Biden”

Please start with the easiest problem to solve Editor’s note: The author’s assumption that Joe Biden will be elected president is of course his own. By Alan Robock Here is a letter I intend to mail in November. But I…

Nuclear Ban Treaty Is Based on Common Sense

The following is the text of a statement by Sergio Duarte, President, and Paolo Cotta Ramusino, Secretary-General of the 1995 Nobel Peace Laureate Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs on the Ratification of the Treaty on the Prohibition of…

Troops Out of Germany and Down a Rabbit Hole

By David Swanson I read this nightmare fantasy in the Financial Times: “Of course, a second term for Mr Trump would have a wholly different impact on US-German relations than would a Joe Biden presidency. It is conceivable that a victorious…

Vladimir Putin: additional steps to de-escalate the situation in Europe in the wake of the termination of the INF Treaty

In 1987, the United States and the Soviet Union came to an agreement to eliminate their stocks of intermediate-range and shorter-range (or “medium-range”) land-based missiles (which could carry nuclear warheads). In February 2019, the United States announced it was suspending…

The Dalai Lama welcomes entry into force of nuclear ban treaty

The Dalai Lama joined campaigners around the world in celebrating the impending entry into force of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. As an avowed campaigner for the elimination of all nuclear weapons, I welcome the fact that…

METO statement on the impending Entry into Force of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

The Middle East Treaty Organization (METO) extends its warmest congratulations to the governments of all those states that have ratified the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), a treaty which prohibits the development, testing, production, acquisition, possession, stockpiling,…

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