
Peace and Disarmament

Trump Exits Somalia

By Dr Binoy Kampmark These are things that might have been done earlier.  During the last, flickering days of the Trump administration, activity is being witnessed across countries which have a US troop presence.  Numbers are being reduced.  Security wonks…

Referendum in Switzerland: economic interests prevailed over ethical values

Switzerland missed two opportunities to move towards a more just world. Last weekend, Swiss voters voted on two referendums, both of which were rejected. The first referendum question, a popular initiative “For responsible companies – to protect human beings and…

Lost in Translation? Understanding Relevance of Women, Peace & Security in Arms Control & Disarmament

“What does the Women, Peace and Security Agenda have to do with arms control and disarmament?”. Under varying formulations, this question keeps coming up whenever someone refers to the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) Agenda as a basis for ensuring…

Costa Rica’s active role in disarmament: a case for demilitarization

December 1 marked the 72nd anniversary of Costa Rica’s extraordinary decision to abolish its armed forces.  Dr. Carlos Umaña, a Costa Rican from the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), explains the background and reflects on the meaning of…

When will there be a peaceful Yom Kippur or Eid al-Adha for Palestinians and Israelis?

When will there be a reconciliation between one and the other? When will there be a Yom Kippur יום כיפור of Palestinians and Israelis? That would truly make Israel strong. Yom Kippur is, for Jews, the holiest day on the…

Powering down — and out

Closing Indian Point will speed action on climate change, not hamper it By Marilyn Elie and Linda Pentz Gunter Next spring, the last working nuclear reactor at the Indian Point Energy Center on the Hudson River, 30 miles from Manhattan,…

Middle East Treaty Organization statement on the assassination of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh

The Middle East Treaty Organization (METO) condemns in the strongest terms the assassination of the Iranian scientist, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh as reported in the media today. Iran has alleged that this crime has been carried out by Israeli agents, and other…

Women Peacebuilders As a Key Resource in the OSCE Region

Mutual learning from ongoing conflicts is a challenge for women to participate equally in conflict resolution and the defense of rights. Women in the region are fully aware of the continuity of “political confrontations”, the latest was experienced between Armenia…

Does the TPNW Contradict or Undermine the NPT?

By Tariq Rauf* for the Toda Peace Institute. The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) unnecessarily has become a bitter bone of contention between the non-nuclear-weapon States (NNWS) supporting this treaty and most of the nuclear-armed States and…

Statement from a Coalition of Pan African Organizations on the War in Ethiopia

By the United African Congress We are deeply disturbed by the escalation of violence following the declaration of war on the regional state of Tigray by PM Abiy Ahmed of Ethiopia on November 4, 2020. We are New York-based Pan…

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