
Peace and Disarmament

The Persistence of Pinkerism

I’m old enough to remember when you couldn’t do a speaking event related to war and peace without being asked numerous reasonable and not so reasonable questions about 9/11 (each accompanied by a stack of DVDs and flyers presented to…

The excuse of job creation in military investments

When the General State Budget is presented, the Minister of Defence of the day insists that the multimillion-dollar expenditure dedicated to the purchase of armaments generates employment. But, as the authors point out, a comparison of the jobs created in…

US Peace Prize Awarded to World BEYOND War

The 2021 US Peace Prize has been awarded to World BEYOND War “for exceptional global advocacy and creative peace education to end war and dismantle the war machine.” By US Peace Memorial Foundation Michael Knox, Chair of the US Peace…

“Sindyanna of Galilee”: Extending the olive branch between Arabs and Israelis

Sales of award-winning olive oil worldwide helped empower 300 Arab women By Coco Cresswell In 1996 Hadas Lahav, a Jewish Israeli social activist, had a vision: a future of Arab-Israeli coexistence. That same year, through co-founding Sindyanna of Galilee, a female-led social…

Mass Media Hasten To Help Pentagon Exonerate Itself In Afghan Airstrike

The mass media are full of headlines announcing that a “watchdog” has concluded in an “independent” investigation that US military personnel did nothing wrong in an August airstrike in Kabul which killed ten civilians and zero combatants. “An independent Pentagon…

50 years ago Brazil planned to invade Uruguay in 30 hours, if the Frente Amplio won

A series of declassified US documents added details to the so-called “Operation 30 Hours”, the plan hatched by the Brazilian dictatorship in 1971, half a century ago, to invade Uruguay if the leftist Frente Amplio coalition won the elections that…

The NPT Review Conference: Finally, New York, January 2022

“We now have the opportunity to carry out the important work of the Review Conference and to ensure the NPT maintains its place as the cornerstone of the nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation regime and an essential pillar of international peace…

The Unconscionable Hypocrisy of the Federal Spending Debate

Why is it controversial to spend on social programs but not the Pentagon? Or to subsidize the poor but not the rich? By Sister Karen M. Donahue Right now, the United States is locked in a contentious debate over the Build…

Why is US military spending increasing to new, outlandish levels?

Although critics of the Biden administration’s Build Back Better plan to increase funding for US education, healthcare, and action against climate catastrophe say the United States can’t afford it, there are no such qualms about ramping up funding for the…

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