
Peace and Disarmament

As nonviolence is non-negotiable we must have tough conversations

The commitment to nonviolence in climate activism and deep adaptation is a central principle and we must criticise anyone who suggests otherwise. The risks of tolerating any deviation from this principle are too great & therefore we have no choice…

Inopia of the soul

15 February 2022, El Espectador On some pavements of Bogotá’s southern highway, they sell huge chunks of meat, offal hanging from itinerant hooks, splattered by the pollution of cars and the mud left by yesterday’s downpour. There are herbs for…

Western Democracies Have Mutated Into Propagandists for War and Conflict

By John Pilger / Globetrotter Marshall McLuhan’s prophecy that “the successor to politics will be propaganda” has happened. Raw propaganda is now the rule in Western democracies, especially the U.S. and Britain. On matters of war and peace, ministerial deceit…

Celebrating Veterans for Peace’s Nuclear Posture Review & Preventing a Ukraine War

Last month, in January 2022, Veteran’s for Peace launched their own Nuclear Posture Review, pre-empting the US government’s own review which is due later this year. Last weekend, an on-line event was held to present the findings of the alternative…

What Russia wants

Russia does not want to invade Ukraine Both Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, and its Foreign Secretary, Sergey Laverov, have repeatedly stated that Russia does not intend to invade Ukraine. Logic also tells us that if they had wished to do…

Signs that Today Is History’s Turning-Point

Apparently, today, 15 February 2022, is the day when U.S. hegemony — the global American empire, which started on 25 July 1945 when the Cold War did — has effectively ended, and when the global balance-of-power worldwide has switched, from…

The conflict in Ukraine – a step towards the Apocalypse?

No one knows for sure what the scope and real aims of the current threat of war in Ukraine are. Nor do we know whether it will end in mere idle threats, a show of force on either side, or…

With Its Doomsday Clock at 100 Seconds to Midnight, The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Calls for Escalating US Aggression against Russia

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists emerged after World War II as a voice for peace by some of the scientists who developed the then ultimate weapon of mass destruction. Now, its mission has drifted into being an echo chamber…

Medical Appeal: No War in Europe!

Medical professionals call for diplomacy to avert a humanitarian disaster Doctors and other health professionals in Europe take their responsibility for preventive action to save lives very seriously. The pandemic has shown how much effort they are prepared to put…

U.S. rhetoric on Ukraine is already taking its toll

“Don’t shout so much,” said Ukraine’s head of security council Oleksii Danilov last month over the growing rhetoric by the U.S. on the Russia-Ukraine crisis. The shouting, in the form of repetitive warnings that Russia is about to invade Ukraine,…

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