
Peace and Disarmament

A Viable—and Perhaps the Only—Path to Lasting Peace in Afghanistan

As each day goes by, the Taliban’s forces edge closer to controlling all of Afghanistan. In the first week of August, the Taliban swept through the northern provinces of the country—Jawzjan, Kunduz, and Sar-e Pul—which form an arc alongside the…

The Intolerable Nuclear Threat 76 years after Hiroshima

On 6 August 1945 the US military dropped the first atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima. An estimated 70,000 to 80,000 people were killed instantly, in what can be considered the greatest act of terrorism in history. Another 70,000…

Public statement on the nuclear assassination of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

It was a warm northern morning on 6 August 1945 in the city of Hiroshima, and despite the war, the atmosphere was somewhat normal, far from the scenes of war, with children going to school and the elderly going to…

The Setsuko Thurlow Rose, a Rose of Hope

In the year that the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons enters in force, a new variety of rose will be planted in Spain. The Setsuko Thurlow Rose, a rose of hope, will be planted in a prominent rose garden…

Japan, help us all win the Gold

Dear esteemed H.E. Mr. Ishikane Kimihiro, Permanent Representative of Japan to the U.N., Deep gratitude and respect to you. May I ask you to relay this message to Prime Minister Suga Yoshihide, and Parliamentary Vice-Ministers of Defense Onishi Hrioyuki and…

Presentation of the First Multiethnic and Multicultural Latin American March for Nonviolence

On July 18, the First Latin American Multiethnic and Pluricultural March for Nonviolence was presented virtually. It was an initial presentation that marked the starting point of multiple activities prior to the date on which the march will take place,…

The Status of Crimea Is Far More Complicated Than Western Media Admits

“If there were a moral to be drawn from the Crimean War which might apply to the present it would be this: in a war between Russia and the West, it is the powers which keep out who will be…

Canada Enlists in the U.S. Empire

It seems the allure of empire is just too great. For many Americans, Canada is a peaceful, enlightened and progressive country with universal healthcare, affordable education, and what we thought was a slim, non-interventionist military funded by a sensible budget.…

War Powers Reform Bill Far Better Than Feared

Senators Murphy, Lee, and Sanders have introduced legislation to address Congressional and Presidential war powers. (See bill text, press release, one pager, video of press conference, op-ed, and Politico article). In recent months, we’ve seen efforts to repeal some but not other AUMFs (Authorizations for the Use…

New Yorkers Rally for Drone Whistleblower Daniel Hale

A press conference was held on Saturday, July 17th on the High Line in New York City to support former Air Force “intelligence” analyst Daniel E. Hale, who faces 10 years in prison on July 27 after releasing government documents…

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