
Peace and Disarmament

What Ending a War Could Look Like

When you imagine ending a war, do you imagine the U.S. President lamenting the human cost of the war’s financial expense while simultaneously demanding that Congress increase military spending — and while mentioning new wars that could potentially be launched?…

United States Conference of Mayors Calls on the United States to Welcome the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and to Act Now to Prevent Nuclear War and Eliminate Nuclear Weapons

At the close of its 89th Annual Meeting, held virtually due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, on August 31, 2021, the United States Conference of Mayors (USCM) Executive Committee unanimously adopted a bold new resolution Calling on the United States…

The memory we mourn

30 August 2021. The Spectator We knew they were going to kill him. We knew that in Colombia then and now, a professor who asks more questions than he answers, a doctor who is pained by his patients’ hunger and…

What the War of Terror Has Cost Us So Far

Malika Ahmadi, two, died in a U.S. drone strike on Kabul today, her family says. Has the war of 20 years cost us the ability to care? The war on Afghanistan and the war on Iraq that it was a means…

Chile: Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty passed into law

The Chilean Senate passed into law the Draft International Agreement approving the “Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons”, which was adopted in New York in July 2017. The treaty notes the “concern about the catastrophic humanitarian and environmental consequences…

Media Briefing: Developments in the Middle East & the perspectives for WMD Disarmament – September 1

Despite the covid pandemic, the last 12 months have seen a flurry of activity in the Middle East in the field of regional security: The Abraham Accords, moves by the USA and Iran to return to compliance with the JCPOA,…

As the US empire declines, what openings exist for progressive movements?

The fall of Kabul with, once again, the hurried and chaotic departure of surprised Americans, has led to an abundance of hand-wringing from the U.S. political center, as well as the right. Its larger meaning is important for people who…

Cuba reaffirms commitment to nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation

Cuba today reaffirmed its commitment to nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation as it addressed a virtual session of the United Nations (UN) in Vienna. We require the maintenance of a balanced approach between the three main programmes of the verification regime:…

As America’s attempt to Westernise Afghanistan by force fails, Kabul may now find its place in Russian & Chinese-dominated Eurasia

Even the Taliban must be surprised at the immense speed of its victory in Afghanistan. The collapse of the US-backed government affects more than just daily life in Kabul, however, causing political echoes across the continent. By Glenn Diesen One…

Afghanistan exposes consequences of U.S. policy of endless war

The U.S. invaded Afghanistan under the still unproven pretext that the Taliban was responsible for harboring Al Qaeda members responsible for the 9/11 tragedy. After two-decades of conflict, Taliban forces have retaken Kabul. Many in the United States and the…

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