
Peace and Disarmament

From the aquarium

Conscience continues to deny the reality of what is happening. This crime and the terrible mistake of the Russian power is a direct consequence of a series of previously calculated criminal actions of the West. The West dream of this…

China seeks to take the lead in the pacification of Ukraine

It is very difficult to pinpoint when a war starts. The starting signal depends on who is telling the story and whose interests it serves. Clearly, the important date is that of the end of a conflict, the signing of…

A Guide for Peace in Ukraine: A Humanist and Nonviolent Proposal

The Centre for Humanist Studies “Exemplary Actions”, the Portuguese branch of the World Centre for Humanist Studies, an organism of the Humanist Movement, is disseminating a non-violent proposal for the restoration of peace in Ukraine, inviting citizens and non-governmental organisations…

Can Iran and the U.S. Breathe Life Back Into Nuclear Deal?

The possibility of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA)—or the Iran nuclear deal—being revived, though difficult, seems to have brightened in February 2022. The U.S. may now also believe that the potential loss of Russian natural gas and oil due to the…

Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine: An Illegal War of Aggression

Statement by Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy, UN Office of the International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms The Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy strongly condemns Russia’s attack on Ukraine. The Russian invasion is in clear violation of international law,…

De-Escalate the Conflict In Ukraine

In Solidarity with Ukrainian & Russian Citizens who Do Not like War and a Prayer of Conversion for Those in Power in Russia  On Sustainable Peace To live harmoniously and peacefully alongside each other despite our differences is the way. Joining…

No to war: Thousands of people around the world stand in solidarity with Ukraine

Russians or Japanese. Norwegian or Burmese. Just seeing the images of men and women going out into the streets peacefully to protest the invasion of Ukraine shows that, peace not war, is what people want. Not to mention the thousands…

Ukraine: De-escalation and Negotiation Are the Only Way Out of This Crisis

War is a tragedy, a crime, and a defeat. Citizens of the world should condemn the decision of Russian President Vladimir Putin to abandon the path of diplomacy by attacking and undertaking “special military operations” in Ukraine. These actions violate…

Violence can’t be a viable solution to the conflict in Ukraine.

The world is submerged in a sea of pain and tears. It’s not just Ukraine; it is also Colombia, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Iran, Afghanistan, and many other places where the blood of innocents who have been taken to war is…

War is a disaster. Let’s build peace

The conflict situation in Ukraine, which affects a population already marked by years of suffering, has reached a breaking point and the risk of a war without winners and losers is becoming more tangible and real. With every hour that…

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