
Culture and Media

Morning Time

PROSE POEM     Early morning is sacred time. Time to look far into the lightening horizon, calmly searching for signs inscribed in the skies. Time to look heavenward, there where the moon still sits high upon her throne, sharing…

Public letter to President Boric

Dear Mr. President: I am writing to you as a member of that generation of communicators who poured their youth into the effort to break the information blockade imposed by the Pinochet dictatorship, denounce serious human rights violations and advocate…

Losing public goodwill: Assam media’s way 

Public reactions against a news item in any newspaper or news channel may be usual in India, but public outrages in digital platforms against the mainstream media outlets for not covering a particular issue is definitely an unusual phenomenon. The…

Rare praise from Pakistan is recognition of Bangladesh’s surprising success story

by Pathik Hasan Before Bangladesh got its independence from Pakistan in 1971 after a bloody struggle, Pakistan had been exploiting then East Pakistan systematically and Islamabad’s economy was built on the money of the Bengali-majority areas. However, the newly independent…

Ethiopia: Art in Public Space II, an Annual Art Festival is organized in Addis Ababa

Since 2017, a consortium of 12 different organizations has launched an annual Tibeb be Adebabay art festival (the Amharic expression equivalent with the English term art in public space). This year, the festival is happening with “the idea of filling…

Bicolano artists unveil mural painting project on good governance and social justice

Sorsogon, Philippines– Seasoned muralists and young artists from various art groups and youth organizations unveiled a mural project on good governance and social justice earlier today at Barangay Basud in Sorsogon City. The project was organized by 1Sambayan-Sorsogon Youth, in…

An offering

POEM     What can I offer you But my thanks and gratitude For being part of my life…   Its light and dark moments I shared with you As we pass through the days and nights of our lives.…

Burmese photojournalist dies in military custody, PEC deplores

Geneva: Freelance photojournalist Ko Soe Naing died lately under the Myanmar military custody and thus the young scribe becomes the first media victim in the country (also known as Burma or Brahmadesh) after the 1 February 2021 military coup that…

Fun Afternoon Dances

By C. Rothschild In 1976 I was 40 years old, and after a long consultancy for the Swedish Government, I went to Helsinki, Finland. I was invited by a good friend, a Finnish sociologist with whom I had collaborated in…

The Assange Case Explained Simply

One of the most common reasons I hear from people on their reluctance to wade into the Assange debate is that they don’t understand it. It looks like a complicated issue to them, so they leave it to the experts.…

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