
Culture and Media

PEC award 2022 goes to Russian scribe Ekaterina Glikman

Geneva, 14 November 2022: Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) rewards Russian journalist in exile Ekaterina Glikman for her ongoing and exemplary commitment to press freedom in Russia. The brave journalist, who is currently working from Switzerland as deputy editor of Novaya…

Greece’s Surveillance Scandal Puts Rights At Risk

A European Parliament committee that investigates spyware use by European Union governments soundly criticized the Greek government’s response to revelations it surveilled independent journalists and an opposition leader. “We’ve heard worrying reports of journalists feeling unsafe when they write about important topics, of the supposedly independent…

The dictatorship of silence

One of the greatest myths of modern Western society is based on individual freedom of conscience and thought, which was offered to each of its inhabitants as a supreme value of the democracies of our times. It was the calling…

Austrian premiere of the documentary film «Ithaka» on Julian Assange

On October 15th, as part of the marathon 24h for Assange, the Austrian Journalist Club and the Candles4Assange vigil team Vienna with hosted the Austrian premiere of the documentary film «Ithaka», portraying the fight of Julian Assange’s father and family to…

PEC urges to end impunity for crimes against journalists

Geneva, 2 November 2022. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), the global media safety and rights body, while marking the 2022 International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists on Wednesday commented, ‘more needs to be done to fight impunity on…

A letter, a story

Epistolary communication is a memory of the past, an obsolete practice. In an effort to escape from a present full of uncertainty and contradictions, I prefer to look back to past centuries to rescue from the mists of memory one…

Camposampiero says immediate ceasefire and peace talks urgently needed

National mobilisation in solidarity with the Ukrainian people and the victims of all wars. On 5 November a national mobilisation for peace will take place in Rome, Italy, with the slogans “immediate ceasefire, negotiation for peace”, “ban all nuclear weapons”,…

364 days

25 October 2022, El Espectador At the time of sending this column I have gone 364 days without hearing my mother’s voice, without a hug from her or finding her at home reading a book about the cosmos or writing…

Everything in its place

It is essential to know how to distinguish the difference between journalism and propaganda. The way in which the news function has been transformed into a strategic arm of global economic power has evolved until it has become part of…

Meta threaten to end canadian news content on its platform

The federal government’s proposed law requiring internet giants to negotiate commercial agreements with Canadian media disturbs Meta, Facebook parent company, which threatens to end the sharing of Canadian news content on its platform. We believe the Online News Act misrepresents…

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