
Culture and Media

New Book About NATO By Medea Benjamin and David Swanson

NATO What You Need To Know By MEDEA BENJAMIN and DAVID SWANSON “An indispensable primer. It can save your life — indeed all of our lives…NATO is a clear and present danger to world peace, a war machine run amok.”…

Writers’ Group Presents ‘Poems in Print’ Exhibit: A Celebration of Local Poetry at Kapihan Café, Legazpi City

Legazpi, Albay– Rhymes of PEG, a community of writers and artists, is set to hold a “Poems in Print” Exhibit at Kapihan Café in Legazpi City, Albay from April 27 to May 11, 2024. Featuring poetry pieces by local writers,…

The National Hangeul Museum of Korea Celebrates World Book Day 2024

Since 1995, World Book and Copyright Day has been celebrated across the globe on April 23 every year, a day dedicated to promoting reading, publishing, and copyright. It was designated by UNESCO at its General Conference, which was held in…

The situation of press workers four months into Milei’s term in office

A systematic attack against freedom of the press and the right to information through various measures and actions, including direct police repression of journalists and reporters, is a sign of the current national government. Since the beginning of his administration,…

Taliban Jails Afghan Journalist, PEC Demands Release of all imprisoned Scribes

Geneva: Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), the global media safety and rights body, expressed concern over the imprisonment of Habib-ur-Rahman Taseer, a local Afghan journalist associated with Radio Azadi/Radio Free Europe. According to the Afghanistan Journalist Center, Taseer was detained by…

We have always migrated, “children of the earth”.

Introduction In ancient times, in the Stone Age, people had to move from one place to another to move their herds seasonally in search of fresh pasture and water. Transhumance was common in those days. There were no borders, no…

The humanist Dr Bernardita Zalisñak at the head of the Faculty of Humanities at Concordia, Argentina.

The Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences – UADER, Mg. María Gracia Benedetti and the Vice Dean Lic. Daniel Richar was present in the city of Concordia to accompany the inauguration of the new director, lawyer…

Last day of the International Book and Social Sciences Fair Recoleta 2024 (FILCS)

After an unforgettable experience for lovers of literature and critical thinking, FILCS, which opened on the 4th of this month and has become the epicenter of intellectual debate, closes today, Sunday 14th April, in the main square of the Recoleta…

Silo at the International Social Sciences Book Fair

Organized by Virtual Ediciones, yesterday Silo’s lecture given at the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow on 18 June 1992 was presented through a video on “The Crisis of Civilization and Humanism”, contextualized by José Gabriel Feres and Gonzalo García-Huidobro.…

In order for Assange to be truly free, we need to free investigative journalism

Some thoughts on the occasion of the 2024 Festival of Journalism in Perugia (17-21 April), where Julian Assange’s name is inexplicably absent from the official programs. Translated from the article in the Monthly Report of the Italian daily L’Indipendente, February…

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