
Culture and Media

Peru – “Armando Robles was not afraid of death” – an interview with Marcela Robles

Armando Robles Godoy is, without a doubt, the most influential and creative Peruvian filmmaker of the national seventh art. He was born in New York on 7 February 1923, son of the great Daniel Alomía Robles, and came to live…

What to Replace the Monroe Doctrine With

A major step could be taken by the U.S. government through the simple abolition of one little rhetorical practice: hypocrisy. You want to be part of a “rules-based order”? Then join one! There is one out there waiting for you,…

Applications open for Pressenza’s Nonviolent Journalism course, Spring 2023.

To apply click here. For approaching 15 years, Pressenza has been developing a style of journalism driven by the urgent need to put a different type of information into the public domain: information which contributes to the wellbeing of society,…

Global Day of Action for Julian Assange on March 19th, the 20th anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq

Hobart 4 Assange and Melbourne for Assange Australia are hosting rallies for Julian Assange and are proposing a Global Day of Action on March 19th , the 20th anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq. On the 19th March 2003…

Questions to Sabine Rubin, former MP for France Insoumise party

In 2022, the French elected the President of the Republic and then the deputies of the National Assembly. In the last presidential and legislative elections, the abstention rate increased. However, the French are preoccupied about the future of their society:…

The Traveller and Her Shadow

A Tale of Real Reconciliation that Leads to Real Peace   A while back, a group of dear friends, fellow humanists, got together, inspired to make a video on reconciliation, a theme close to their hearts. The video was set…

National Congress of Medical Ethics and Deontology in Seville How does it affect us, women?

Feminists of the South This weekend the elites of the medical-health profession met in Seville to address “the future challenges and new paradigms of the new medical ethics and deontology” that will be embodied in a new Code of Ethics…

PEC demands the release of Afghan scribe Mortaza Behboudi

Geneva, 17 February 2023: Press Emblem Campaign, the global media safety and rights body, demands an immediate release of Afghan journalist Mortaza Behboudi, who was arrested on 7 January by the Taliban regime in Kabul. Though Afghanistan did not report any incident of journo-murder…

Humanity’s Secret War Against the Environment, Ourselves, and Our Children

 Inequitable family planning and illogical pro-growth policies are taking away every child’s right to a fair start in life. By Carter Dillard There is a conflict between ecocentric people struggling for freedom, and anthropocentric people threatening that freedom. This conflict,…

The historical memory of the Saharawis

I arrived in the year 2000 in the city of Madrid accompanying a group of Sahrawi children. We were hosted in Leganés by an association of friends of the Sahrawi people. I acted as interpreter and mediator with the host…

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