
Culture and Media

Loving, taken seriously

I am sick of hearing it. No matter whom I’m dealing with, they all think love is “very important.” It looks very much like the common denominator of the alternative scene, but also of the conservative, possibly even the reactionary…

A Nature Quintet

POEM     Wearing the cape of meaning-maker I go forth. Seeking intimations along the way. Signals from the sea, wind, leaves, and sky. Signals from the moon, sun, horizon, and clouds. All those things hard to come by in…

How to Fabricate an Atrocity

I can’t recommend highly enough a new book by A.B. Abrams called Atrocity Fabrication and Its Consequences: How Fake News Shapes World Order. Despite using the term “fake news” there is not the slightest speck of a hint of Trumpism. Despite reporting…

Let’s not forget Julian Assange and demand his freedom

“The persecution of Assange by the United States is an attack on the public’s right to know, and is a serious threat to the fundamental principles of democracy, which are increasingly fragile throughout the world”. By Dardo Gómez, Journalist Like…

Stella Moris Assange: turning the spotlight back on the US

A few weeks earlier, Stella Moris Assange, lawyer and partner of Julian Assange, came to Greece. The occasion was the screening of the documentary “Ithaca – the battle for the liberation of Julian Assange” at the Thessaloniki International Film Festival…

HKWall Street Art Festival 2023

When it comes to things to do in Hong Kong, most people immediately think of visiting breathtaking skylines at night, sunbathing on beautiful beaches or, a daytrip to Disneyland. However, Hong Kong’s 8th edition of the HKWall street art festival…

Popol Vuh, Mayan and universal treasure

There are books that leave their mark on people and beyond, on collectives, countries and different generations. We are talking about the Popol Vuh or Popol Wuj – the closest to the K’iché orthography – and with a universal meaning…

Let Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters Perform In Frankfurt, Germany

Petition launched by Katie Halper Link to sign the petition. We artists, musicians, writers, and other public figures and organizations are deeply disturbed by the recent efforts by German officials to discredit and silence musician Roger Waters. On February 24,…

Artist Par Excellence: Lani Maestro

Sandwiched with the skyscraper Shangri-La Hotel and the less imposing The Keg betwixt Thurlow and Bute along West Georgia Streets downtown, Lani Maestro’s installation art, sculpted glass texts and neon light that reads on two columns, No Pain Like This…

The day an Oscar-winner stood up against war

Five days later after the US-led invasion of Iraq, the 75th Academy Awards ceremony took place at the Kodak Theatre in Los Angeles. On that day, filmmaker Michael Moore was honoured with the golden statuette together with Michael Donovan for…

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