
Culture and Media

To avoid a future catastrophe, we must act today.

It’s encouraging that U.S. and Russia leaders have once again put nuclear disarmament on the negotiating table, but we cannot forget that we live in a highly dangerous moment. The danger stems also from the madness of violent groups with possible access to nuclear material and the real risk of accident that could set off a devastating conflict.

The World March crowns Mount Ararat

On the anniversary of the nuclear bomb attack on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, an expedition of Spaniards and Turks has reached the summit of legendary Mount Ararat to “pay homage to the memory of the victims of that disaster and strengthen an open and diverse global movement that rejects all forms of violence and affirms the human being as the highest value.”

Nonkilling Kindergarten and Primary School established in DR Congo

A kindergarten and primary school at Kazimia-Katondje, Fizi (South-Kivu Province, DR Congo) has just been renamed “Glenn Paige Non-killing School” by its promoters, local nonprofit MLECI. The school was originally founded in 2006 and has over 180 students, who are casualties of war, disease and abandonment. Besides providing education, it offers food, health care, clothing.

The Center for Global Nonkilling develops new parnerships in Pernambuco, Brazil

The Center for Global Nonkilling is developing a series of partnerships and initiatives in Pernambuco, Brazil, one of the most violent regions in the world. With a population of 8,734,194 at least 10 murders occur every day, generating the highest murder rate in the country. In fact, the state’s capital (Recife) homicide rate is higher than Iraq’s.

‘WMD-We Must Disarm’ launches short film competition

To mark the start of the second half of the Secretary-General’s 100-day “WMD-We Must Disarm” countdown campaign to the International Day of Peace on 21 September, the United Nations has launched a competition to find the best short film on the issue of nuclear disarmament and/or non-proliferation.
Winning films will be shown at UN Headquarters.

Filmakers from all continents join to document peace accross the world

A formidable group of professional film makers from all continents have resolved to document peace extending throughout all latitudes of the world. With their own scripts, these filmmakers following the World March for Peace and Nonviolence will develop, in the last quarter of this year, a documentary of the World March to be presented in the international festivals.

Celebrity Billboards for Peace Call Attention to Hiroshima Day

The World March for Peace and Nonviolence commemorates Hiroshima Day, August 6, in New York City by launching roving celebrity billboards throughout Manhattan featuring the faces of presidents, Hollywood actors, Nobel Laureates and many others who endorse the March and feel deep worry for the nuclear threat. All will converge in Times Square for a closing ceremony.

Give Peace Another Chance: John Lennon and Yoko Ono’s 40th Anniversary Bed-In

In 1969, Yoko Ono and John Lennon staged a Bed-In for Peace during their honeymoon to protest the Vietnam War. 40 years later, the organizers of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence will re-enact the Bed-In near the famous “Strawberry Fields” to warn how nuclear weapons pose the most dangerous threat to humanity and demand they be abolished.

Nuclear Weapon Free Areas

Here we publish the complete image of the demarcation map of the world regarding the nuclear weapon free zones, the nuclear weapon free status and the nuclear weapon free geographical regions.

The zones in red correspond to the land territory covered by nuclear weapon free treaties.
The zones in blue correspond to the sea territory covered by nuclear weapon free treaties.

UK Teachers’ Union, the Largest in Europe, endorses the World March

Christine Blower, the General Secretary of the National Union of Teachers (NUT), Europe’s largest teachers’ union representing approximately 300,000 teachers in the United Kingdom, has endorsed the World March for Peace and Non-violence and expressed her wish for the National Union of Teachers to contribute to the objectives of the March.

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