
Culture and Media

On a Rainy Day

  An afternoon of rain over clusters of trees with leaves and flowers peeling off from the boughs to the grassy ground: how it wafts a smell not earthy but sweet, even sacred – the incense of benediction the candle…

Thunderstorm and Tea

Taunting a summer clinging to its fiery sun a thunderstorm explodes one after the other on a tin roof and I am caught between rolling the blanket early and making a pot of tea. Tea wins as I am then,…

Pablo Neruda’s Legacy on the Anniversary of his birth (1904)

Every July 12, we commemorate the anniversary of the birth of one of the greatest poets of all time: Pablo Neruda. Born on 12 July 1904 under very precarious conditions in the town of Parral, Chile, Neruda left a literary…

Hayao Miyazaki Comes out of Retirement with One Last Movie: How Do You Live?

Hayao Miyazaki’s last movie How Do You Live? Open first in Japanese theatres on July 14th of 2023, after a resounding promotional silence that entailed the absence of a trailer, a voice cast list, or any other form of traditional…

Stella Moris Assange: “They want to jail Julian so that they can jail any journalist”

“Day X”, the fateful day in the Assange saga, is fast approaching. Incarcerating Julian Assange gives governments the power to imprison any journalist, Stella Moris Assange told a packed room at the Swiss Press Club in Geneva last Monday (2023-07-10).…

Cultural and national identity; who we are, where we come from and where we are going; we are an awakening nation

The Peruvian nation is a historical process prior to the Peruvian state. It is an unfinished cultural historical synthesis, dislocated from a state that neither articulates nor benefits national development. The winds of a coming national and cultural awakening are…

How are creative arts students beginning successful careers in post-COVID19 Australia?

Freelancing Artist Samara Louise Shares Her Story The 2020 pandemic has brought anxieties to students and those beginning careers in new fields about what the future will look like for them. Aspiring artists – particularly performers, visual artists, vocalists, writers…

“Oras de Peligro”, A Movie Review

The truth deserves to be told for future generations.     by Lui Queano Oras de Peligro, which prominently featured the historical narrative of the four-day peaceful EDSA revolution, was the result of a collaboration between acclaimed director Joel Lamangan…

NUJP North America Marks the First Year of the Fight for Press Freedom

Distance did not become a hindrance for members of the NUJP (National Union of Journalists of the Philippines) North America chapter to soldier on and fight for press freedom on this side of the planet, the group now reaching its…

Passing of Peace Activist and Whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg – Reflections on the Security State and the Anti-war Movement

Daniel Ellsberg died on June 16, fighting to the end to warn of the existential threat of nuclear war. The 92-year-old whistleblower left a legacy of peace activism dating to his courageous release of the Pentagon Papers in 1971. Given…

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