
Culture and Media

1600 people in Torino in a classical concert for Peace and Nonviolence

Yesterday a delegation of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence reached Torino to be extremely warmly welcomed by 1600 people gathered in the Regio Theatre where an internationally renowned classical concert was held. Earlier in Novara the marchers endorsed a declaration denouncing the intention of the Italian government to buy 131 F-35 Joint Strike Fighters.

World March invites Switzerland to support ban on war product exports

The World March for Peace and Nonviolence made a stop in Geneva on Monday. Geneva Mayor, Rémy Pagani, expressed his support for the march and denounced the current global figure of 1.5 trillion dollars in military spending, as well as Switzerland’s own hypocrisy. Dani Horowitz proclaimed “We cannot justify creating employment at the expense of other people’s lives.”

The Meaning of Peace and Nonviolence in the Present Moment. The World March.

The following is the complete text of Silo’s speech made at the Tenth World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates that took place November 11, 2009 in Berlin, Germany. After an introduction by Irish pacifist and Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Corrigan Maguire, Silo spoke as the founder of Universalist Humanism and the inspiration behind the World March for Peace and Nonviolence.

Palacio de la Moneda exhibits Charter for a World without Violence

After Silo and the participants in the World March for Peace and Nonviolence received from the Nobel Prize winners, in the Berlin Summit, the mission of making widely known the ‘Charter for a World without Violence’, the Chilean organisers of this initiative were received at La Moneda to put up the text in the Patio de los Naranjos.

Finalists for the 2009 Peace medals

The YMCAs of Québec is happy to announce the names of the finalists for the 22nd annual Peace Medal ceremony. Exceptional individuals who have thought about peace, demonstrated it, and inspired it at the local, national, or international levels will have their contributions publicly recognized.  This year, 17 nominees are in the running in six different categories.

X World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates: ‘Doing the Impossible’

Coinciding with the 20th Anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, the German capital hosts the 10th World Summit of Nobel Peace Prize Laureates. Under the theme “Breaking Down New Walls for a World Without Violence,” speakers during the plenary session address the need to eliminate the ‘walls’ that still exist in today’s world.

Thousands of children bring the colours of peace to Piazza Duomo

This morning in Milan, sunny skies and over 3000 children and students from Lombardy welcomed the World March for Peace and Nonviolence with a celebratory parade, carrying thousands of blue balloons. Waiting for them on the stage in Piazza Duomo were Ivan Ramiro Cordoba, the celebrity footballer and supporter of the March, and Alessandro Cattelan of Radio 105.

The Peace March passes through Trieste

After having crossed Oceania, Asia, the Middle East, northern Europe and the Balkans, the World March for Peace and Nonviolence arrived in Italy today, where it will remain until November 12. Trieste, the first Italian stop, welcomed the March with official greetings from the Mayor and the Provincial President, and a huge symbol of peace in the evocative Piazza dell’Unità.

Base team “singing in the rain” in Budapest

After being received by the Hungarian delegation of the World March for Peace and Non-violence and its representative Balazs Szigeti, the marchers completed a section of the route that – despite the rain – was memorable and full of surprises. Fire jugglers, dancers and choristers wowed the marchers before their arrival at the forecourt of Buda Castle in Budapest.

Edward Said Conservatory of Music: a world where children play melodies against the walls of siege

Music is the language of the people, one of the signs of excellence and growth believes the Edward Said National Conservatory of Music. The programs and projects of the Conservatory clearly aim at improving the musical life for all age and socio-economic groups in the provinces of Palestine. It targets the disadvantaged to discover their talents as well as those with means.

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