
Culture and Media

Peace is a Human Right

Rafael de la Rubia, international spokesman for the World March for peace and non-violence, wanted to celebrate the International Day for Human Rights. He is doing so from El Salvador, where he is currently with the World March Base Team. In a press release, he proposes that the right to peace be considered a human right.

Welcoming Remarks

Upon arriving in Mexico City from the United States of America, the international team was greeted with a colorful ceremony in which the following words of David Samano were said. After touring several Mexican states, the team continued their tireless travels towards Guatemala, where they are currently on route to Punta de Vacas.

Swiss: discrimination and trade with death

The results of Swiss federal Referendums are, for the humanists of Switzerland, a black Sunday. It is not only a victory for the Swiss Peoples Party that promoted the prohibition of minarets, also fear
and ignorance have won. This is no positive credit, neither for
democracy nor for the Swiss population. Humanists are outraged and surprised.

Stevie Wonder, A New UN Messenger of Peace

Ban Ki-Moon, U.N. secretary-general, designated American singer, Stevie Wonder, a U.N. Messenger of Peace. At a press conference also attended by the artist, Ban praised Wonder saying he was a “musical genius” and a “man dedicated to humanitarian causes who has campaigned against Apartheid (in South Africa), for children in need, and for people with disabilities”.

“The end is the beginning in the heights”. Peace will be taken to the highest summit in Latin America

“Representing all the Women, Boys, Girls, Elderly Women and Men of the world who are suffering daily violation of their rights, I shall present my message of faith, hope and peace for all human beings and I shall also be flying the World March flag on 01/01/2010 from the highest possible habitation in the world, Monte Aconcagua (6.962msnm.)”.

Karaoke for peace by hundreds of Chileans in the main pedestrian island of Santiago

A huge stage, right in the centre of Santiago, interrupted the usual routine of the street sellers and passers by, who every Friday fill the main pedestrian island of the capital. All got the chance to sing for peace and nonviolence, including lots of young people but also officials, passers by and ladies with shopping bags.

The people of the Casamance desires peace

The Region of the Casamance has activated itself for peace and nonviolence: on November the 14th, 15th and 16th different humanists associations have realized a lot of initiatives in the towns of Oussouye and Bignona, involving the local institutions and the population, and the 22nd the World March for the Peace and Nonviolence has reached Ziguinchor, chief town of the Region

The International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

Violence against women is perhaps the most shameful human rights violation, and it is perhaps the most pervasive. It knows no boundaries of geography, culture or wealth. As long as it continues, we cannot claim to be making real progress towards equality, development and peace. *Former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan*

León Gieco promotes a worldwide initiative for peace before a hundred thousand people

The popular singer-songwriter, León Gieco, at the Festival for the 127th anniversary of the city of La Plata (capital of the province of Buenos Aires) wore the sweatshirt of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence. At the “birthday” concert, held in Plaza Moreno, 10 other groups put on a show for an audience of a hundred thousand people.

Peace is, above all, a state of mind: Peace declaration adopted after World March stay in Sarajevo

More than a dozen organizations and nonviolent groups have participated to the World March round table in Sarajevo on November 4. At the end of the meeting all of them have subscribed a Declaration about peace and nonviolence, stating that war doesn’t start in the battlefield and doesn’t end with peace agreements. Its beginning and its end are in the heads of the people.

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