
Culture and Media

Marta Lucas has left these spaces

Quickly and unexpectedly, Marta Lucas, humanist sculptor and ceramicist has gone into the Light. A victim of meningitis, “the sculptor of fire” as she was known in the artistic circles of the city of Mendoza where she lived, died last night. A wake took place in the Small Hall of Silo’s Message located in Don Bosco and Primitivo de la Reta.

Books instead of Bombs

A document published in March by UNESCO reports that more than twenty-eight million children in those countries affected by conflicts do not receive education. If rich countries transferred monies from their military spending for just six days over to education, in 2015, the objective of Education for Everyone could be achieved.

A world without wars and without violence

Hugo Ghiara, member of the “Mediterranean” team of World without Wars and without Violence and editor of the digital newspaper Globatium, announced a proposal which arose from the meeting of delegates from the humanist organisation WwW in Madrid. Members from 11 countries and using 8 different languages participated in this meeting. The following is Hugo Ghiara’s summary:

Gift to Obama: Silo’s Words and the book of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence

In the occasion of the visit of Barack Obama to Chile, he was sent today, via Miss Angie Quackenbush, the person responsible for protocol at the U.S. Embassy, a gift in reference to his being a recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, along with wishes for inspiration in using his influence in the construction of a new and better world.

Okinawa Sends Out Peace Impulses

Living in Germany one tends to view the world from a European perspective, and focus only on the lessons Europe has learned from the Second World War in the last sixty-five years. Visits to East Asia, however, not only help to adjust one’s lenses but also provide new insights. Japan is a distinguished example of a country that has been undergoing a bottom-up process of change.

A new Park of Study and Reflection

After two years of several efforts and failures, finally it has been decided the creation of a new Park of Study and Reflection for the Czech Republic. The place is called Březno and it is located at about 45 minutes from Prague going North-West. In the site there are already buildings for the Center of Studies, Center of Work and for the Workshop.

A new Center of Studies for Mikebuda Park

During the same days in which at the Czech Republic the decision of creating a new Park of Study and Reflection is taken, at the existing one of Mikebuda in Hungry, it has been bought the new Center of Studies. It is located at the land next to the Park and it has already some existing buildings of an old school, which can be re-utilized after reparations.

Soft Brushes with Death

After arriving in the United States, Espinet continued working with other exiled Siloists from Argentina and Chile in the Universal Humanist movement. He met Trudi at one of their gatherings in 1986, and they spent 25 years together, working and raising their five children, living in San Francisco, Argentina and finally Davis.

Hitler and the Germans. Nation and Crime.

This exhibit at the German Historical Museum shows 50 years of history. From 1920 with the appearance of Hitler as the “drummer” announcing the imminent arrival of a saviour to Hitler’s elevation to power in 1933 as the “Fuehrer” to his fiery departure in 1945 and final disappearance with the scattering of his ashes in 1970.

Geography of the Universal Human Nation

The Spokesperson of World without Wars and Violence writes a series of articles envisioning how a future society based on peace and nonviolence could be. The Argentine philosopher and author, Silo, called this world the Universal Human Nation. In this first article the political geography is dealt with, outlining possible new foundations for such a society.

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