
Culture and Media

2,000 gather in New York for a Vigil Organized By The Sikh Community

Yesterday night, New Yorkers mobilized themselves beyond expectation, with more than 2,000 people from diverse communities, gathering for an interfaith vigil in Union Square. The effort, supported by various religious leaders, was part of a nationally coordinated remembrance of the…

Finally the Higgs Particle!

This is what the scientists say and it is CERN that announced the finding of the most sought-after elementary particle of recent decades, the Higgs boson, opening the doors to the subatomic world. Although other experts are more cautious: what has been registered indicates what could be the signature of the Higgs particle, such is science, very careful.

Jujuy: Ceremony of Inti Raymi ushers in new vision

Friends of the Humanist Movement and Silo’s message took a bus from Argentina’s Buenos Aires to Jujuy to accompany the Tupac Amaru in their celebrations of Inti Raymi. They joined together to absorb the force and energy of the winter solstice solar rays, of Tata Inti – Father Sun, while giving thanks for all the good that had happened while discarding all the bad.

Humanist Movement Nepal in Happy Day March

Following the World March, when organisers and friends of the Humanist Movement made it to Nepal and that took place from 2009 to 2010, plus, with the start of the building of Nepal’s model of a Parks of Study and Reflection, at Panauti, the influence on this small town is seen at this cultural event where most of the town enjoyed a literary day of poems and partying.

Africa: End discrimination against LGBTI on international day against homophobia

Discrimination and persecution of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people in South Africa and Cameroon must be halted, Amnesty International said as activists around the world mark the International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia.

Instances of harassment, discrimination, persecution, violence and murders … (read more)…

Celebrating 43 years of the launch of the Humanist Movement

Humanists everywhere across the Earth celebrated yet another anniversary of the emergence of the Humanist Movement, launched on May 4, 1969, with public presentations and in particular that by its founder, Silo, a harangue known as “The Healing of Suffering”. This was given in the Andes, in Punta de Vacas, near the border between Argentina and Chile. A declaration follws:

Bangladesh-Japan: Bridging worlds

The Kansai-Bangladesh Project (KBP) works to create sustainable programmes with local people in Bangladesh. It is run by Sachiko Matsunaga-Jack with the support of David Jack, who has a similar organisation,Fieldwork. The couple have been active in Bangladesh for many years now and have concentrated on indigenous groups support and encouragement, plus environmental affairs.

Save World Heritage on the Tigris River in Mesopotamia

Petition to Save World Heritage on the Tigris River in Mesopotamia to the distinguished members of the World Heritage Committee…
We address you gravely concerned about the threat posed to potential World Heritage Sites in
Mesopotamia, a region of great cultural and natural importance which is endangered by the Ilisu
Dam Project on the Tigris River.

Conference on Spirituality at Haifa University, Israel

Should academia deal with Spirituality? What is spirituality anyway? Is it different from religion? Is secularism the same as atheism? Is secularism growing? Is atheist humanism in need of spirituality? These and other questions were discussed at Haifa University. Members of Silo’s Message participated with its point of view about a new spirituality arising in the world.

Contemporary spirituality seminar at the University of Haifa

During a visit to Israel by friends from Europe and Latin America to disseminat Silo’ Message and Universalist Humanism, we had the opportunity to attend the Fourth International Conference for the Study of Contemporary Spirituality (ICSCS) at the University of Haifa. We were invited by the director of the Education Department Prof. Ofra Mayseless.

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