
Culture and Media

Operation Condor’s lasting impact on Latin America’s media

Op-ed published on 11 September on Bío Bío Nacional’s website Forty years after the Chilean military coup of 11 September 1973, Latin America’s conscience is still haunted by memories of the dust clouds from the attack on La Moneda, the…

“One peso invested in culture means five pesos saved in security”

Telam, The Argentinean Secretary of Culture Jorge Coscia, remarked today that “one peso invested in culture means five pesos saved in security” and reinforced that the culture “is reinvigorating, especially among most vulnerable sectors.” The official said so in declarations…

Photo contest “Peace is…”

Vacations are usefull for imagining changes for your future. That is what we discovered this August and we decided to change the Closing Date of your entries! The new Closing Date is November 30th! Judges will take place on December…

Buddha smiles on Madhubani art

Madhubani in Bihar, a busy town close to the Narhi Park of Study and Reflection featured on Pressenza recently [1] is renown across India for its special Madhubani art form that has remained the prerogative of certain kinds of narratives…

Twitter’s activist roots: How Twitter’s past shapes its use as a protest tool

Surprised when demonstrators from all over the world took to Twitter as a protest tool? Evan “Rabble” Henshaw-Plath, member of Twitter’s founding team, was not. Rather, he sees it as a return to its roots: Inspired by protest coordination tools…

Why Western media frames civilian areas as “Hezbollah strongholds”

Beirut was thrown into turmoil on Thursday evening as a terrorist attack against residents of Dahiyeh – a southern suburb of the Lebanese capital and a predominantly Shia neighborhood – threatened to draw the country into a region wide crisis.…

Manning verdict blow for investigative journalism and its sources

Reporters Without Borders regards today’s verdict in U.S. Army private Bradley Manning’s trial as dangerous. Although acquitted of “aiding the enemy,” he was found guilty of five counts of espionage and five counts of theft, for which he could receive…

Moving towards the Centre: interview with Rafael Edwards

Rafael Edwards has been working through drawing, painting, modelling, photographing the world and matter from the standpoint of Universal Humanism since childhood. His career can be observed and summarised in: His photos in: I found “Rafa”, as we…

“One step forward, two steps back for media freedom”

Reporters Without Borders welcomes the action taken by the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) to tighten the guidelines its prosecutors use in investigations involving the news media, but remains concerned about the direction of media freedom in the U.S.…

5th International Photo Contest “Peace Is” – Children’s Rights.

When you can “talk” 4 languages​​, the next step is to use your … passport! From June 14th and throughout the summer, the best choices of the judges of the contest of 2012, were hosted in Turkey, in Konya, in…

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