
Culture and Media

TED Lecture: How do you explain consciousness?

Our consciousness is a fundamental aspect of our existence, says philosopher David Chalmers: “There’s nothing we know about more directly…. but at the same time it’s the most mysterious phenomenon in the universe.” He shares some ways to think about…

Big Media vs. Social Media in the global, non-violent and humanist revolution

This is the synthesis of Pressenza’s workshop at the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum 2014: Whereas Big Media tends to focus on sensationalism, to promote the interests of business over the needs of individuals, to cover minority acts of violence…

Nomads of the Digital Age

The freedom to communicate and to share has entered a new era. The power promised by this freedom, by the Internet, is immense, so much so that it frightens entrenched institutions. Governments, militaries, corporations, banks: They all stand to lose…

Assam scribes urge clemency for Al-Jazeera journalists

Joining the international chorus for the FreeAJStaff campaign, an active scribes’ body of India has come out with the demand for immediately releasing of all journalists, who have been jailed in Egypt for allegedly taking side with the banned Muslim…

Big media v social media in the global, nonviolent and humanist revolution

Pressenza panel at the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum 2014: From Information to Participation In 1999, the film Matrix presented a false cyber-world, in which those included take it for “reality”. The image of a computer generated space taking over…

Exclusive: Democracy Now! Goes Inside Embassy Refuge, Talks with Julian Assange About WikiLeaks, Snowden

In a Democracy Now! special, we go inside the Ecuadorian embassy in London to interview Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. He has been holed up there for more than two years, having received political asylum. He faces investigations in both Sweden…

‘Fear Sells, Fear Works, Fear Is a Winner, But Has No Future!’, Egyptian Political Satirist Bassem Youssef

Human Wrongs Watch Bonn, 2 July 2014 — Speaking in Bonn, Germany, Egyptian political satirist Bassem Youssef discusses the unsustainability of fear, saying “Satire was our weapon to dissect through the lies and rhetoric that were used to control the…

Pressenza in Bonn: non-violent revolutions need new media

Today the Global Media Forum organised by Deutsche Welle was inaugurated in the German city of Bonn, and Pressenza participated with a panel in which examples of social mobilisations, unfolding thanks to the creation of consciousness through new media in such…

Pressenza panel session speaks to a full house

Germany’s Development Minister Gerd Müller spoke on the second day, today July 2,  at the Global Media Forum, an annual three-day conference hosted by the Deutsche Welle, this year for the seventh time. Its 40 separate events concern topics related…

“Journalism in Egypt is a Crime”: Global Outcry After 3 Al Jazeera Reporters Sentenced to 7-10 Years

An Egyptian court has sentenced three Al Jazeera journalists to between seven and 10 years in prison on terrorism charges, including “spreading false news” in support of the Muslim Brotherhood, deemed by the government a “terrorist group.” Peter Greste, Mohamed…

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