
Culture and Media

Bangladesh: RIP Ananta Bijoy Das

“Blogger killers are now threatening the newsmen for standing behind the victims”, says Shamsul Basunia, in Dhaka. “Obscure blackguards, generally accepted as ultra-fundamentalists, debilitated a correspondent by beating him. They did so for posting remarks on Facebook in dissent against…

Singapore: Yee’s guilty verdict is a sad indication of the limits of free speech

By Marte Hellema and Joses Kuan* As the world responds to the guilty verdict of Amos Yee, thoughts should not just focus on how a 16-year-old ended up in this predicament, but on what it says about the state of…

South Africa: young and gifted black African takes over Alliance

South Africa’s largest official opposition party, the Democratic Alliance (DA), has elected a black man originally from Dobsonville for the first time in its history . He is young and gifted and it did not come as a shock as…

Israel: made in Palestine, by Britain, Germany and America

Gaza a Philosophical Dictionary by Michael Buergermeister       On his website you can find information about the author:   Dr. phil. Milena Rampoldi: What are the objectives of the book? Michael Buergermeister: The objectives of the book…

Glenn Greenwald: Social Media, Privacy and Activism

Published on Apr 12, 2015 by AcTVism Munich Are applications such as Facebook/Skype/Google safe for us to use? Is the NSA keeping us safe from undemocratic states? What can the individual do to curb the abuses of the NSA?  …

Radio Gestapo Amerika

It Is Time to Call Radio “Liberty” What It Is: Radio Gestapo Amerika Paul Craig Roberts Radio “Liberty” has always been a propaganda ministry. Formerly its propaganda was directed against the Soviet Union. Today it is directed against distinguished Americans…

Rugby or Thugby OR just May-weather perhaps…

I was trying to ignore, via a head in the sand approach, what I consider should have been banned years ago like fox-hunting, i.e. that boxing event last weekend.  It’s not easy though as so much of the Western world…

Dance project for children in Uganda to celebrate diversity

Interview with Arthur Conrad Kisitu Arthur Kisitu is a Ugandan artist who decided to live for some time in a slum in Kampala, called Katanga – No Man’s Land. As a photographer he became involved in the lives of his…

Regional meeting of news agencies starts in Quito at Unasur

Quito, April 23 (Andes).- The Fourth Meeting of the Latin American Union of News Agencies (ULAN) opened on Thursday with the participation of delegates from a dozen countries in the region, the head of the Secretary of Communication of Ecuador, Fernando…

EVENT VIDEO – Chomsky, Jay, Raza & Machon: Whistleblowers, Activism & the Alternative Media

Published by acTVism 19 April 2015 An informational event was hosted by acTVism Munich at the Muffatwerk in Munich in which the significance and role of whistleblowers, the alternative media, activism and a host of other related issues were discussed.…

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