
Culture and Media

Google, Facebook, Algorithms, And The Building of the Iron Wall

By Chris Hedges Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, along with 18 members of the House of Representatives—15 Republicans and three Democrats—has sent a letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions demanding that the Qatari-run Al-Jazeera television network register as a foreign…

Google sets up “news initiative” to censor political opposition and promote mainstream media

By Andre Damon Google announced Wednesday that it is partnering with the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Financial Times and other major news outlets to reinforce their monopoly over news coverage by blocking independent news organizations. The New…

Washington Post: 187,000 Exposed to Gun Violence at School Since Columbine

The Washington Post reports more than 187,000 students have been exposed to gun violence at school in the 19 years since the Columbine High School massacre in 1999. Despite the high number, school shootings represent only a tiny fraction of…

How They Sold the Iraq War

The war on Iraq was a propaganda war where loaded phrases, such as “weapons of mass destruction” and “rogue state” were hurled like precision weapons at the target audience: us. Blair paid a price for his grandiose puffery. Bush has skated…

Liars, damned liars, and Boris Johnson

There are three categories of liars: Liars, Damned liars, and…  Boris Johnson, the Secretary of State for the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office. The FCO minister, backed by Prime Minister Theresa May and the roar of the mainstream media, has…

Blame for the Salisbury poison attack: Where is the evidence?

The nerve agent attack on the former Soviet double agent Skripal and his daughter on British soil has reached unimagined proportions: the culprit is quickly identified by Western governments and media: it must have been Russia, because the nerve poison…

Teaching students how to dissent is part of democracy

Teaching children how to dissent in response to a violent situation that they feel threatens their well-being is aligned with the purposes of democratic schooling. Indeed, a flourishing democracy depends on such an informed and active citizenry who will speak…

The 11th Annual New York Peace Film Festival

The festival will be held on Sat. March 24 and Sun. March 25, 2018 at Unitarian Church of All Souls (1157 Lexington Avenue/80th St). FREE ADMISSION Films you might be interested are “Zan”, a feature documentary by Rick Grehan about…

Conversation with Leland Cheuk

by Jhon Sánchez Last year, Leland Cheuk, one of the editors of Newfound, wrote to me accepting one my short stories for publication. My story is dedicated to the New York Mills Art Cultural Center where I was an artist…

When international institutions get it oh so wrong we must wake up

When the Nobel panel in charge of choosing the Peace Laureate gave the prize to Henry Kissinger, architect of repression and death and regime change in various continents, the comedian Tom Lehrer declared political satire dead. Then Barack Obama got…

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