
Culture and Media

Urgent appeal to the media to inform about Turkey’s continuing attacks on North-East Syria

Appeal to media representatives. Since October [2023], the Turkish state has been deliberately targeting civilians in the north-eastern region of Syria, in clear violation of international law, in the silence of world public opinion. More recently, during the Christmas period…

It’s now or never

Australian MPs plead with UK Govt to stop the Assange US extradition Australian MPs have made a last-ditch appeal to the UK Government to stop the US extradition of Julian Assange, as fears grow that the Australian WikiLeaks publisher would…

Sri Lanka’s organic way

Navdanya and Regeneration International, together with two Sri Lankan organizations, the Lanka Organic Agriculture Movement (LOAM) and Earth Restoration, released a joint statement in October 2023 responding to allegations in the international press that the switch to organic farming has…

PEC Demands Release of  Burmese Journalist- filmmaker Shin Daewe

Geneva: Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), the global media safety and rights body, expresses serious concern over the imprisonment of fearless Burmese journalist-filmmaker Shin Daewe for life by the ruling military junta of Myanmar (also known as Burma and Brahmadesh) and demands her immediate…

Press workers defend the public media

In a press release which we reproduce in full below, SIPREBA, the Buenos Aires Press Union, announced the filing of a new appeal for legal protection in rejection of the Decree of Necessity and Urgency promoted by the Milei government…

A Call for a Just Transition to Modern Jeepneys

We, the Philippine Misereor Partnership, Inc. (PMPI), a social development and advocacy network of more than 250 church faith-based groups, non-governmental organizations, and people’s organizations in the Philippines,  stand in solidarity with the jeepney drivers and operators who are facing…

“A play entirely inspired by failure”, Paulina Hunt

We interviewed actress Paulina Hunt, a Chilean playwright and teacher of theatre and television, about the new play she is about to present. Here we transcribe the full conversation: Pressenza: You are about to premiere a new play of your…

January 2024: International news agency Pressenza celebrates financial independence

As of January 1st, 2024, the international news agency Pressenza has launched its annual month-long financial campaign. As is well known, the organization is an open space for grassroots expression and information, operating with a nonviolent perspective and creating mutual…

A Book about Critically Endangered Animals is now Out

LOVE FOR LIVING ANIMALS Author Mona Sabalones Gonzalez Main Photographer Elizabeth Barrett   “The question is, are we happy to suppose that our grandchild may never be able to see an elephant except in a picture book? “– David Attenborough…

NCCA’s Heneral Tuna Contest: Outstanding Digital Art from Young Filipinos

Earthlings from all over the Country Celebrate Filipino Values through Digital Art November 2023 was a busy month for the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) as it celebrated Filipino Values Month with a slew of activities celebrating…

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