
Indigenous peoples

In first person: Why indigenous peoples can contribute to saving the planet

On environmental and biodiversity issues, the influence of indigenous peoples is more important than ever at the international level, says a member of the Karen indigenous people of Myanmar. “In indigenous cultures, we look at a woman’s cooking. If she…

Ameziane Kezzar, May 5 at LaGuardia Community College of New York

Kabyle poet writer Ameziane Kezzar on tour in North America May 5, 2023 at 3 p.m. under the theme: “Destruction, denaturation and recovery by Islam of certain elements of ancient pagan culture: rites, festivals, poetry, songs and tales”. City University…

Amazigh spark: Identity and Belonging

The notion of identity evolves over time, according to the experiences and groups to which one belongs. It is made up of both what the individual creates and what others attribute. The Punic, Vandal, Byzantine, Arab, Turkish, and then French…

Waskiri’, the mysterious pre-Hispanic city discovered in Bolivia and bordering Chile

It is a ceremonial centre with “unprecedented characteristics” for the Andes region, located in the province of Carangas, in the Bolivian altiplano. By Ronald Ángel Researchers from Argentina and France discovered in the province of Carangas in the Department of…

Finance’s role in the disappearance of an indigenous people in Paraguay

In 2022, an isolated indigenous group disappeared in the Brazilian Amazon. With the death of one man, the last member of an isolated tribe, an entire culture can disappear. But this disappearance did not happen on the spur of the…

Argentina: urgent support for Mapuche women prisoners

2023, Argentina. In the country of the award-winning “1985”, human rights continue to be violated. 4 Mapuche women have been imprisoned for more than 6 months, crammed with their children, and accused of a crime that the law does not…

How bad policy ends up hurting the environment and the people

In general, we seek the expression of life in all its fullness. All this so that people can express their full capacities, faculties and potential, so that ecosystems and their respective species can express their life potential. But for that…

Increasing violence and impunity against indigenous peoples of Chiapas denounced

The Diocese of San Cristóbal de Las Casas denounced “the social decomposition that is increasing due to the generalised violence” in the villages of different municipalities of Chiapas, as well as “the strong impunity” that prevails on the part of…

The word of the women – we demand progress at the Dialogue Table

Puel Mapu 29/03/23 Pu zomo taiñ zungun Since the emergence of the Argentinean people, our Machi have been persecuted and imprisoned. Today the country is at the forefront of human rights, but their practice of dispossession and criminalisation has not…

Ecuador: water is not for sale and the páramo is defending itself

The Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE) presented the National Assembly with the “Draft Organic Intercultural Law for Integral Water Management”. At the event held in Quito on Tuesday 28 March 2023, Leonidas Iza, president of CONAIE Ecuador, was…

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