Indigenous peoples
Newly adopted law discriminates against indigenous community media
Reporters Without Borders reiterates its condemnation of the newly-adopted General Telecommunications Law (LGT), which will penalize small radio stations, especially indigenous community radio stations, that are waiting to be officially assigned broadcast frequencies. Approved on third reading by the…
They, The Peoples
They are more than 370 million, that’s 120 per cent of U.S. population; they speak 4.000 of 7,000 languages spoken today all over the world; they contribute extensibly to Humanity’s cultural diversity, and they know more than any body else on Earth how to preserve water, land, biodiversity, and the whole cycle of life.
The charms of the Cave of Forgotten Dreams’
Werner Herzog allows us to learn about one of the major archaeological discoveries in humankind. The Chauvet-Pont d’Arc grotto contained in its depths hundreds of prehistoric animals’ skeletons that permit to reveal the constitution of the European wildlife 35 thousand years ago. Jean-Marie Chauvet, Eliette Brunel-Deschamps and Christian Hikkaire found it in 1994.
Community radio stations still denied access to air-waves
Did Honduras’ readmission to the Organization of American States mark the end of the sinister interlude that began with the coup d’état exactly two years ago, on 28 June 2009, and its disastrous impact on civil liberties and human rights?
That was the question that the Latin America and Caribbean division of the World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC-ALC)