
Indigenous peoples

Evo Morales wins 3rd term as Bolivian President according to exit polls: some reactions

“La Paz, Bolivia (CNN) — Incumbent Evo Morales declared victory in Bolivia’s presidential vote Sunday. Official results have not been announced, but a national exit poll placed Morales in the lead with 61% of the votes. Victory would mean Morales,…

‘Indigenous Knowledge Essential to Halting Biodiversity Loss’

  Human Wrongs Watch The knowledge and traditional practices of indigenous people and local communities are key to halting biodiversity loss and achieving sustainable development, a United Nations official on 7 October 2014 stressed at a major meeting on biological diversity…

The Environment: Very Holistic, Very Dialectic

Human Wrongs Watch By Johan Galtung*, 29 Sep 2014 – TRANSCEND Media Service – “Trees won’t save the planet” is the title of an article in INYT (21-22 Sep 2014) by Nadine Unger, professor of atmospheric chemistry at Yale University. Her thesis: The…

As The Voices of Indigenous Peoples “Must Be Effectively Heard”, There Will Be a World Conference On Them!

Human Wrongs Watch The voices of indigenous peoples must be effectively heard and they must be consulted on issues that affect them, including rights to land and resources, the United Nations Human Rights Council heard on 17 September 2014.    …

Concerns Over World Bank Proposals to Roll Back Safeguards for Indigenous People

  Human Wrongs Watch BANGKOK, 3 September 2014 (IRIN)* – Activists warn of a harmful regression in the World Bank’s safeguard policies, claiming that proposed changesbeing considered this autumn could weaken the rights of indigenous people, and others in danger of displacement…

Is an ‘International Day’ All That 370 Million Indigenous People Can Get?

Human Wrongs Watch They are around 370 million people in 90 countries around the world who constitute 15 per cent of the world’s poor and about one third of the world’s 900 million extremely poor rural people. They are the remains…

Problems Inspire Ingenious Solutions in Peruvian Amazon Town

By Milagros Salazar JEPELACIO, Peru, Jul 2 2014 (IPS) – He may look like a rapper, but 33-year-old José Antonio Bardález is the mayor of Jepelacio, in the Peruvian Amazon. His ingenious innovations in the municipality include transforming waste management…

Indigenous boy protests on pitch during World Cup opening ceremony

News from Survival International One of the three Brazilian children who released white doves during the World Cup opening ceremony used the occasion to demand recognition of Indian land rights – but his protest was censored by FIFA. Immediately after releasing a…

Virtual Media blackout about the G77 (in fact 133)+China summit

The Group of 77 at the United Nations is a loose coalition of developing nations, designed to promote its members’ collective economic interests and create an enhanced joint negotiating capacity in the United Nations. There were 77 founding members of…

Europe’s minorities troubled by Crimean crisis

A congress being held along the German-Danish border is focusing on how Europe’s many smaller ethnic groups can preserve their rights. The current fate of Crimea’s Tatars in the Ukraine crisis is a key subject. Europe is home to widely…

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