
Indigenous peoples

Indigenous Villagers Fight “Evil Spirit” of Hydropower Dam in Brazil

Human Wrongs Watch By Fabiana Frayssinet* SAWRÉ MUYBU, Brazil , 21 December 2015 (IPS) – At dusk on the Tapajós River, one of the main tributaries of the Amazon River in northern Brazil, the Mundurukú indigenous people gather to bathe…

Philippines: Manila students greet indigenous Lumad caravan

Hundreds of students from various Manila universities gathered on Wednesday, November 4, to express solidarity with the Lumad indigenous peoples from Mindanao. (See previous article: ) Among those gathered to welcome them at Liwasang Bonifacio were students from University…

Optimizing the India-Myanmar relationship

Guwahati: A recently concluded India-Burma conference batted for more people to people contact between the two neighboring countries, more precisely, the residents of northeastern India and its adjacent Myanmar localities. The two-day conference titled ‘India-Myanmar Relations: Looking from the Border’ also…

Philippines: Lumad people under threat by Australia’s Xstrata Copper company

I live in the Philippines and am of the indigenous people, the Lumad. We have a proud culture and self-reliant communities in the lush forests, clear waters, and rugged mountain ranges of the island of Mindanao. But in my community,…

President Of Ecuarrunari, Carlos Pérez Guartambel, enters Ecuador with an indigenous organization issued passport

October 12, on the International Day of Indigenous Resistance, Carlos Perez Guartambel (President of ECUARUNARI, the organization of Kichwa Peoples in Ecuador) entered Ecuador with a Kichwa passport. It is the first time a passport issued by Indigenous authorities is…

Belo Monte Dam – noncompliant with conditions for operation

                                                               September 23, 2015 Press Contact: Astrid Puentes Riaño, co-director…

UN Forum on The Culture of Peace to Include the Role of Media

Read the headlines on any given day, and it’s easy to assume that people are driven by conflict and greed. But are we getting the whole—or even the true—story? Michael Nagler, a noted peace scholar and award-winning author, will discuss…

Two Indigenous Solar Engineers Changed Their Village in Chile

By Marianela Jarroud Liliana and Luisa Terán, two indigenous women from northern Chile who travelled to India for training in installing solar panels, have not only changed their own future but that of Caspana, their remote village nestled in a stunning…

Native Protest Camp in Argentine Capital Fights for Land and Visibility

By Fabiana Frayssinet Since Feb. 14, one large tent and several smaller ones set up on a small square at the intersection of two major avenues, Avenida 9 de Julio and Avenida de Mayo, have housed some 40 representatives of a…

Nobel Peace Laureates Endorse Violence

In a recent letter to US President Barack Obama twelve Nobel Peace laureates declared their support for the long history of US elite violence against Native Americans and enslaved Africans, as well as the US imperial violence around the world…

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