
Indigenous peoples

Two Indigenous Solar Engineers Changed Their Village in Chile

By Marianela Jarroud Liliana and Luisa Terán, two indigenous women from northern Chile who travelled to India for training in installing solar panels, have not only changed their own future but that of Caspana, their remote village nestled in a stunning…

Native Protest Camp in Argentine Capital Fights for Land and Visibility

By Fabiana Frayssinet Since Feb. 14, one large tent and several smaller ones set up on a small square at the intersection of two major avenues, Avenida 9 de Julio and Avenida de Mayo, have housed some 40 representatives of a…

Nobel Peace Laureates Endorse Violence

In a recent letter to US President Barack Obama twelve Nobel Peace laureates declared their support for the long history of US elite violence against Native Americans and enslaved Africans, as well as the US imperial violence around the world…

The Rights of Indigenous Peoples

“It is imperative that there be prior, free, and informed consultation of indigenous peoples concerning any project that could affect their rights”.

Marshall Islands appeals the U.S. courts’s dismissal of Nuclear Zero lawsuit

MARSHALL ISLANDS APPEALS U.S. COURT’S DISMISSAL OF NUCLEAR ZERO LAWSUIT by NAPF Press Office Marshall Islands Appeals U.S. Court’s Dismissal of Nuclear Zero Lawsuit Small Island Nation Fights On. Archbishop Desmond Tutu Lends Support. July 13, 2015 – The Republic…

Belo Monte Dam May Begin Operations Despite Noncompliance

The dam has failed to comply with conditions for the protection of the health, integrity and way of life of affected communities. Organizations reiterate the validity of the precautionary measures granted by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights in favor…

‘Walkatjurra Walkabout – Walking for Country’

‘Walkatjurra Walkabout – Walking for Country’ is a celebration of Wangkatja country, a testament to the strength of the community who have fought to stop uranium mining at Yeelirrie for over forty years, and a chance to come together to continue…

How Loggers Are Destroying the Amazon — and Getting Away with Tt

Human Wrongs Watch By Dawn Bickett* 9 June, 2015 – The Amazon rainforest is the largest on earth. Its biodiversity is unparalleled, it is crucial to the stability of the global climate, and it is home to many indigenous peoples. But…

Cultural Genocide – of Indigenous Peoples, says Canada’s top judge

What happened to Indigenous Peoples in Canada was nothing short of “cultural genocide,” Supreme Court Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin said in a recent speech. She may be the highest-ranking federal official ever to use the term. By Indian Country Today…

A Lenape Call for a new cycle of consciousness to protect Mother Earth

The Abolition 2000 Annual Meeting took place on Saturday, May 2, during the Non-Proliferation Treaty Conference. It was opened with a moving welcome and greeting sent from the Lenape Center with a call for a new cycle of consciousness to…

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