
Indigenous peoples

“Terror and Panic” among Rohingya Refugees in Southern Bangladesh Who Are at Imminent Risk of Being Returned to Myanmar against Their Will

There is “terror and panic” among Rohingya refugees in southern Bangladesh, who are at imminent risk of being returned to Myanmar against their will, the United Nations top human rights official has said, warning that the returns would seriously endanger…

Delegates from 23 indigenous peoples and countries develop strategies to halt climate change

Cochabamba, [Bolivia] Oct 12 (ABI) – The Minister of Environment and Water, René Ortuño, inaugurated on Friday, in the city of Cochabamba, an international meeting of delegates from 23 indigenous peoples and friendly States that has the objective of elaborating…

The Truth About Christopher Columbus

Today, Christopher Columbus is celebrated as a mythical hero by some – complete with songs, poems, and fictional tales about his great adventure across the Atlantic to explore the majestic land that would eventually be known as the Americas. There…

Face 2 Face with Javier Enriquez

On this show we speak with Javier Enriquez about his book Searching for My Indigena. Javier describes the historical contributions of, and discrimination faced by, indigenous people in the US as well as their ongoing struggles in Central and South…

The Indigenous Peoples, TRIPS & Biodiversity Convention

By Victoria Tauli-Corpuz The writer is the UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and a Member of the South Centre Board. She has served as chairperson of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (2005-2010). Following are extensive extracts from her…

Africa, a History to Rediscover. 4- The Manden Constitution, Human Rights in the 13th Century

The world’s oldest constitution was written in Africa by King Sundiata Keita, who lived from 1190 to 1255. His father, Narhe Magan, accepted marriage to a hunchbacked woman named Sologon Konde to fulfill a prophesy that foresaw the birth of a great man from…

Earth First

By Hadrien Coumans With any bit of discernment it’s abundantly clear that we are rapidly heading towards catastrophe. Earth has a fever and is heating up. The scientific evidence of feedback loops, severity of storms, rising temperatures, rising oceans, disappearing…

Africa, a history to rediscover. 3- The Dogons of Mali: An extraordinary people

Who are the Dogons? Where do they come from? We do not have much information on them, but they were certainly linked with the first peoples who settled in Egypt. Then in the 13th century, during the time of the…

Africa, a history to rediscover. 2- Black Pharaohs and the Queens of Meroe

Around 3000 BC, when Narmer, nearly unanimously identified as Menes, departed from South Sudan and unified Upper and Lower Egypt to became Pharaoh, he unified two peoples. Approximately 10,000 years ago, the Sahara was rich in animals and vegetation; indeed,…

The sky is not falling for the “not last” Yanomami

Review of the book “The Falling Sky” A book titled The last of the Yanomami was published in Turin in September 1984. On the cover appeared the subheading “a dive into prehistory”. At the time I had already spent four…

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