
Indigenous peoples

Good News Part 2 – The Hoffnungsquickie

(The Hoffnungsquickie: Good News Brief – N.d.T.) The world is a bad place. This is at least the impression you get when you look through the burning glass of the media. Catastrophes, wars, lies, hypocrisy and destruction determine the reality…

Plea to All Indigenous & Non-Indigenous Peoples of The World

By Jerome Irwin Typically, like most Canadians, I’m deeply concerned about a lot of pressing issues in Canada and the world at large: the course and direction of the upcoming federal election; what some meekly call climate change while others,…

Statue of Unity in the middle of Tribal Poverty

By Sujit Choudhury The world’s tallest statue the ‘Statue of Unity’ was inaugurated by Prime Minister nearly sometimes back with huge publicity in Kevadiya, near Sardar Sarovar Dam in Narmada District. In the same day hundreds of villagers of 73…

Water Not Oil: Battle Cry Of The Blue Planet

By Jerome Irwin It’s a battle cry inspired by the dire climate crisis that has been sung by many for years yet still hasn’t been resolutely taken up by the world as a whole. So the question remains: what ultimately…

IV Latin American Humanist Forum 2019: day 2

IV Latin American Humanist Forum 2019 Building Convergence “The aim of the Humanist Forum is to study and establish a position on the global problems of today’s world. From that point of view, it is a cultural organisation in a…

Jeremy Corbyn Wants An Apology. Theresa May Would Not Apologize. I Want Apology and Reparation.

By Partha Banerjee One Hundred Years of Jallianwala Bagh Massacre by the British Tyrants. Why does it matter today? On April 13, 1919, on the auspicious New Year’s Day, British military under Gen. Reginald Dyer opened fire on a nonviolent…

Fight against Climate Change and Poverty Will Fail Without Overhaul of Global Financial System, Warn over 60 International Organizations in New UN-Led Report

A major new UN-led report, involving more than 60 international organizations, warns that a comprehensive overhaul of the world’s financial system is necessary, if governments are to honour commitments to tackle critical issues, such as combating climate change and eradicating…

Notes From the Streets of Venezuela—The People Are Resilient in the Face of Foreign Intervention

“If the government falls, we will be evicted. We—the Black, the poor, the working class—will lose what we have” By Vijay Prashad (1) This article was produced by Globetrotter, a project of the Independent Media Institute.   Mariela Machado is…

Supreme Court of India Orders Forced Eviction of 1 Million Adivasis

The Supreme Court of India has ordered the forced eviction of more than one million Adivasi and other forest-dwelling households from forestlands across 16 states after the government failed to defend a law protecting their rights. The final country-wide numbers…

In Venezuela, White Supremacy is a Key to Trump’s Coup

originally published on Truthout, February 7, 2019   On January 23, right after a phone call from Donald Trump, Juan Guaidó, former speaker of Venezuela’s National Assembly, declared himself president. No voting. When you have official recognition from The Donald, who needs elections? Say what? I…

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