
Indigenous peoples

Ahey: An Indigenous Chant  of  Thanksgiving to Kabunian and Healing from the Virulent Covid-19 Virus

Part Three of the Ayuweng Series to celebrate the International Decade of Indigenous Languages by Estella Wanden and Genevieve Balance Kupang On Celebrating the UN Decade of Indigenous Languages and Healing from the Virulent Covid-19 Virus Ahey, Ahoooy, Ahoooy, Aho-eeey! Greetings…

Eviction order against Lof Quemquemtreu still pending

One month after the murder of Elías Garay, the Río Negro judiciary ordered the eviction of the Mapuche community in Cuesta del Ternero. The defence lawyer for the lof considered the ruling a “clear act of racism”, but her request…

Why Xiomara Castro’s Win in Honduras Could Address the Country’s Endemic Corruption and Violence

After more than a decade of violent repression and undemocratic rule that emerged after the 2009 ouster of Manuel Zelaya, a new leader takes the reins of the Central American nation. By Sonali Kolhatkar “I am overwhelmed with joy; I…

CHT In  Bangladesh Towards Peace And Prosperity: Peace Accord In 1997 Paves The Way

by Hafizur Talukdar The Chittagong Hill Tracts Peace Accord has entered into two eras. The agreement was signed 24 years ago with the aim of ending the bloody clashes between the Bengalis and the government forces and establishing peace with…

Siberia: Gold mining is destroying the lands of the indigenous Shor people

In addition to being affected by open-pit coal mining, the Shors are impacted by gold mining companies that expropriate their land, pollute the environment and kill their flora and fauna. To make matters worse, the companies do not make financial…

Zara, one of the companies responsible for Amazon deforestation

Zara, a company of the Inditex group, appears in a report published this week on the responsibility of major clothing brands in the deforestation of the Amazon, a process that has intensified since the beginning of the decade. The Slow…

The defence of the murderers of Elías Garay

The statement of the accused: three accidental shots, the Mapuche were like a “pack of dogs”, only one of the accused fired, there was a black lump that looked like a gun and the 22 carbine “kills cats”. Today, during…

Who is Martín Cruz Feilberg?

The name of Martín Cruz Feilberg is currently making the rounds of all the local media in Chubut and Río Negro, including the national media in Buenos Aires. This man is accused and charged as one of those responsible for…

Canada, Wet’suwet’en indigenous people. Police crackdown on journalists and activists

Dramatic footage has just been released showing the violent raid by Canadian federal police on the afternoon of 19 November on an encampment set up by members of the Wet’suwet’en indigenous people to prevent the Coastal GasLink pipeline from passing…

International Community must pressure Myanmar to ensure the Repatriation of Rohingyas

by Jubeda Chowdhury  A resolution presented by the OIC and the EU on the protection of the Rohingya was unanimously adopted by the United Nations just recently. This is the first time since the crisis began in 2017 that a…

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