
Indigenous peoples

Mapuche Tehuelche Parliament in Cuesta del Ternero. Communiqué

From 5 to 7 November, Mapuche Tehuelche communities met in El Bolsón, Río Negro, to discuss the various situations they are experiencing in their process of territorial recovery. Below is the communiqué they produced, including a statement of the conflicts…

State of emergency – What course do we follow?

What is the price we must pay for the recognition and respect of our human rights or for the return of our territories, the price is death, as we can see today, with the murder by the police and the…

Two Mapuche community members shot dead by the military in Cañete

Machi Francisca Linconao called on President Piñera after the death of two community members: “He should withdraw his carabineros and the military”. The conventional constituent criticised the state of emergency in the southern macrozone and called on the president to…

Indigenous People are heading to COP26: “There is no solution to the climate crisis, without us”

Indigenous movement mobilized the largest delegation of Brazilian leaders in the history of the climate conference to put forward the demarcation of indigenous lands as a solution The Articulation of the Indigenous Peoples of Brazil (Apib), together with all its…

Guatemala: the silence that kills

Generationally we have been told, since post-dictatorship times, that flies cannot enter a closed mouth, which is why we hang ourselves and are so brazen, because it is not a question of fear for what our grandparents lived through in…

The pain of others

“When I was born they put two tears in my eyes so that I could see the size of the pain of my people.” (Humberto Ak’abal) The life of the indigenous Latin American brings, from birth, the fate of resistance.…

“Kullipan:” A Prayer Chant Imitating the Sound of the Eagle in Flight

INDIGENOUS CULTURE   by Genevieve Balance-Kupang  On Spirituality (Season of Creation, and Indigenous Peoples Month)   “Kullipan” is an Indigenous Tinggian chant that appropriates the sound of an eagle (Kuling) in flight, the “master of the skies.” What, with the…

The conquest of America: the situation of the indigenous today

The creation of nation states in America went hand in hand with the creation of “normal schools” whose educational objective was to homogenise the population on the basis of a single culture, European culture. From there, the prevailing narrative was…

12 October: The plundering genocide against the indigenous population

According to Marx, “The discovery of the gold and silver deposits of America, the extermination, enslavement and burial in the mines of the aboriginal population, the beginning of the conquest and plunder of the East Indies, the conversion of the…

Celebrating the 2021 National Indigenous Peoples Month

Migrant Igorots Welcomed on a Tauranga Marae by New Zealand’s Tangata Whenua (Locals)   Indigenous Culture by Genevieve Balance-Kupang National Indigenous Peoples Month is held every October. This October 10, the Catholic churches in the Philippines commemorate the Indigenous Peoples Sunday.…

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