
Indigenous peoples

Ibero-American Institute of Indigenous Languages launched in Bolivia

The Ibero-American Institute of Indigenous Languages (IIALI) began its activities today with the aim of confronting the threats that threaten the more than 550 indigenous languages still spoken in Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as to promote their…

The government of Mendoza has privatised a part of the Cordillera

The free handing over of 12,351 hectares, with an important portion of the Cordillera with strategic natural assets, was formalised through Decree 2138/2021, signed by the governor of Mendoza, Rodolfo Suárez, and the Minister of Government, Victor Ibáñez, on 23…

Agreement to shield megaprojects promotes “private profit and public dispossession”, denounce organisations

The presidential agreement that protects the projects and works of the federal government promotes “private profit and public dispossession”, as well as representing “a death sentence for the communities and territories affected” by the megaprojects, according to indigenous and peasant…

Declaration of climate emergency: an answer to the new generations

Supreme Decree Nº 003-2022-MINAM declaring the climate emergency to be of national interest marks a path towards the future in our country, given the State’s recognition that we are facing an emergency, and this is very important because it highlights…

Women’s march in Bolivia against justice after the release of femicides and rapists

On Monday 31 January, a massive “Women’s March against sexist violence and corruption in the justice system” took place from the Ballivian area of El Alto, through the city of La Paz and ended in front of the departmental court…

Pressenza and indigenous peoples

According to the latest UN data, there are 476 million indigenous people in the world, in 90 countries on 5 continents. Although they are very diverse peoples, we are going to highlight some common points that seem important to us.…

Humanitarian emergency for the Wichi people in Salta: Stop territorial eviction!

The indigenous peoples’ organisations of the NOA stand in solidarity and say no more genocide in the pre-existing indigenous communities! We express our indignation and concern for the inhuman conditions that the population belonging to the Indigenous Peoples of the…

“I express myself politically, that’s why I sing in Mapuzungun”.

Anahi Mariluan, Mapuche singer, has an extensive career in the dissemination of the culture and identity of her people. She has just participated in the album “Ülkantun: Mujeres Memoria” (Ülkantun: Women Memory), which brings together nine songs that recover the…

Ahey: An Indigenous Chant  of  Thanksgiving to Kabunian and Healing from the Virulent Covid-19 Virus

Part Three of the Ayuweng Series to celebrate the International Decade of Indigenous Languages by Estella Wanden and Genevieve Balance Kupang On Celebrating the UN Decade of Indigenous Languages and Healing from the Virulent Covid-19 Virus Ahey, Ahoooy, Ahoooy, Aho-eeey! Greetings…

Eviction order against Lof Quemquemtreu still pending

One month after the murder of Elías Garay, the Río Negro judiciary ordered the eviction of the Mapuche community in Cuesta del Ternero. The defence lawyer for the lof considered the ruling a “clear act of racism”, but her request…

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